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Similar to ABSCO code, but GENerates an Optical Depth lookup table given a set of atmospheric conditions

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Objectives for this library are similar to those in ABSCO code, but instead of absorption coefficients for a flexible pressure and temperature grid, it GENerates an Optical Depth lookup table given a set of atmospheric conditions.

To clone the repository:

git clone --recursive [email protected]:pernak18/GENOD.git

Note the --recursive keyword. This repository is dependent on a number of other repositories and thus needs submodules also cloned. If the --recursive keyword is not used, the submodules can still be cloned with:

git submodule update --init --recursive

inside the clone directory.


For this project, a set of profiles was provided ( that contained profiles for all molecules of interest in the 25000-38000 cm-1 spectral range. Optical depths were first calculated for all molecules in the specifications, then the ODs for specific molecules ("subsets") were computed. The "all molecules" run contains cumulative ODs at each layer, starting at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), while individual molecule subsets contain per-layer ODs.

When all molecules are "on", LBLRTM uses the MT_CKD continuum model along with the line parameters that are available in the UV and Visible spectral domains. Water vapor self- and foreign-broadened, carbon dioxide, ozone, oxygen, and nitrogen continua are all selected and not scaled with a multiplicative factor. Rayleigh extinction is also included.

For Ozone-only experiments, its volume mixing ratio profile is used along with its continuum. For all other subsets, no continua are used.


As mentioned in the introduction, there are a number of dependencies associated with this repository, all of which are publicly available (mostly through GitHub):

The AER Line File is too large for version control in GitHub and is archived in Zenodo.

Necessary Python libraries are mostly standard installs, but some additional packages are required and listed in requirements.txt.

End-to-end GENOD Run is the driver script that is equipped and intended to start from scratch -- i.e., out-of-box after a repository clone. It:

  1. Reads in a netCDF with profile information, which will henceforth be represented by $NCPROF
  2. builds the models
  3. downloads and unpacks the AER Line File
  4. determines the bands that will be run with LBLRTM (which has a 2000 cm-1 limit)
  5. runs the models over all desired molecule subsets, profiles, and bands, and
  6. generates the netCDF lookup table

Running the script after a full (recursive!) clone can be done with:

./ -n $NCPROF

Standalone Runs is modularized such that LNFL, LBLRTM, and netCDF generation processes can be run separately, which is particularly useful when only a new netCDF (e.g., with different metadata) is desired and new radiative transfer calculations are not. Subsets of profiles and molecules can also be run (band subsets can be adjusted with the --start_wn and --end_wn arguments into

Profile Extraction

There is probably no need to store the profiles provided into memory without moving onto other steps of the GENOD process, but it can be done with:

./profile_extraction -p $NCPROF

and a single profile can be retrieved with:

./profile_extraction -p $NCPROF -i 0 # zero-offset profile number

However, it is probably more practical to import the profile and use the readProfiles() and singleProfile() functions, since they both return arrays. by itself just stores the netCDF information into memory and exits.

Perhaps more relevant to the task at hand is running the driver for only a subset of profiles, which can be executed with:

% ./ -n $NCPROF -p 0 1 # first two profiles in $NCPROF

Molecule Subsets

Optical depths can be computed for any combination of molecules that are allowed by LBLRTM. What molecules are used is designated in either the LNFL TAPE5 or LBLRTM TAPE5. The latter was chosen for this project -- any molecules that are not used are represented by profiles with zero-valued volume mixing ratios in the TAPE5. Subsets are defined with the --molecules keyword into and can be any number of molecules. The --mol_list keyword can be used to list all of the available molecule indices:

./ -n $NCPROF/ -ml
Index     Molecule  
0         H2O       
1         CO2       
2         O3        
3         N2O       
4         CO        
5         CH4       
6         SO2       
7         NH3       
8         HNO3      
9         OCS       
10        N2        
11        HCN       
12        SF6       
13        HCOOH     
14        CCL4      
15        CFC11     
16        CFC12     
17        CFC22     
18        HDO       
19        CH3OH     
20        C2H4      
21        PAN       
22        NO2       
23        NO        
24        HCHO      
25        CHOHO     
26        BrO       
27        All Molecules
Exiting after listing molecule indices

./ -n $NCPROF -m 27 2 4 # all molecules, ozone, and CO experiments

Model Builds

LNFL and LBLRTM executables are built if their arguments (lnfl_exe and lbl_exe) in are None. This is the default setting. They are built using the compiler defined with the --compiler keyword into and common/ The executables are built in their respective submodule directories -- LNFL and LBLRTM. The following command first builds LNFL, extracts the line file, then builds LBLRTM before proceeding to the model runs:

% ./ -n $NCPROF

Line File Extraction

Similarly, the AER Line File is "built" with common/ -- the tarball is downloaded from Zenodo and extracted into the AER_Line_File subdirectory. Using the model builds from the previous step (any existing path works as well), the following command only downloads and extracts the line file before running the models:

./ -n $NCPROF -lnfl LNFL/lnfl_v3.2_linux_intel_sgl -lbl LBLRTM/lblrtm_v12.9_linux_intel_dbl

Model Runs

Once the models are built, LNFL is run once to produce a TAPE3 (see LNFL section for some more details). The same binary line file is used for all iterations of LBLRTM.

By default, LBLRTM is run for all molecule subsets, profiles, and bands (2000 cm-1 chunks -- LBLRTM can only be run 2000 cm-1 at a time). New TAPE5 LBLRTM inputs are thus needed for every run. This is automated in A separate object is created for each iteration. An example:

% ./ -n $NCPROF -lnfl LNFL/lnfl_v3.2_linux_intel_sgl -lbl LBLRTM/lblrtm_v12.9_linux_intel_dbl -lines AER_Line_File
Reading /rd47/scratch/RC/GENOD/
Extracting profile 1
Built LBL_TAPE5_dir/2016-04-14T01:13:30.00010000Z/TAPE5_25000-26999_all_molecules
Running LBL

Aforementioned options like -m and -p can also be passed into the driver to only run the radiative transfer modeling for molecule and profile subsets, respectively:

./ -n $NCPROF -lnfl LNFL/lnfl_v3.2_linux_intel_sgl -lbl LBLRTM/lblrtm_v12.9_linux_intel_dbl -lines AER_Line_File -m 27 -p 0 1


Every LBLRTM run produces ODint binary files that contain optical depth spectra for every layer in the profile when the level-0 pressure is greater than the surface pressure that is provided. In this case, that is 63 layers. All ODint files are uniquely named -- they contain layer number, band, and molecule -- and are stored in a subdirectory underneath LBL_OD_dir for a given profile (designated by its time_string field). This directory structure is assumed in generating the netCDF file that consolidates all profiles, wavenumbers, and layers into a single file.

Once the OD files exist, the netCDF file for with entire OD spectra over all profiles and layers is written. automatically proceeds to netCDF generation after OD computation, but the radiative transfer modeling can be bypassed with the -nc keyword:

./ -n $NCPROF -lnfl LNFL/lnfl_v3.2_linux_intel_sgl -lbl LBLRTM/lblrtm_v12.9_linux_intel_dbl -lines AER_Line_File -nc -m 27


Only one run of LNFL is necessary -- the "static" run. It should cover the entire spectral range or interest and all the molecules that will be used in any analysis. It will produce a TAPE3 binary line parameter file, which is all that is needed. contains a runLNFL() method that stages files for LNFL and runs it to produce the TAPE3 then moves it to where it is needed for LBLRTM runs. verifies that a TAPE3 exists where is expected, and if it does not, the runLNFL() method will be invoked.

Alternatively, the AER-RC Docker Image can be used to run LNFL with the static run (the $GENOD environment variable in the volume mount arguments represents the directory that contains a clone of this GENOD repository):

% docker pull
% docker tag lnfl
% time docker run --name lnfl --rm -v $GENOD/LNFL_TAPE5:/LNFL/TAPE5 -v $GENOD/LNFL_out:/LNFL/LNFL_Out lnfl
real	0m43.703s
user	0m0.034s
sys	0m0.014s
% ls -l LNFL_out/TAPE3
-rw-r--r--  1 rpernak  blue  79752 May 22 15:19 LNFL_out/TAPE3

If Docker is used to run LNFL, the TAPE3 should then either be copied, moved, or linked into the working directory (i.e., the same directory as

The AER Line File only has spectral line parameters for O2 in the UV and VIS parts of the spectrum, so the binary line file is not very large, even for the >25 molecules and 13000 wavenumbers in this study, which is why only a static run is necessary.


$NCPROF specifications do not contain VMR profiles for O2, so profiles need to be constructed. The code to do this step is in version control, but it was run locally and its output was archived so that the code does not need to be run unless new O2 profiles are provided. Even then, profile construction is pretty trivial if pressures are above ~4.5e-3 mbar. if it does have to be re-run, the path to a cloned ABSCO library is needed.

To generate new oxygen pressure profiles:

% pwd
% ./ -n $NCPROF
Wrote O2_profiles/UV_pressure_profile_0.txt
Wrote O2_profiles/UV_pressure_profile_1.txt
Wrote O2_profiles/UV_pressure_profile_2.txt
Wrote O2_profiles/UV_pressure_profile_3.txt
Wrote O2_profiles/UV_O2_profile_0.csv
Wrote O2_profiles/UV_O2_profile_1.csv
Wrote O2_profiles/UV_O2_profile_2.csv
Wrote O2_profiles/UV_O2_profile_3.csv

These output files are in version control in the O2_profiles directory.


Similar to ABSCO code, but GENerates an Optical Depth lookup table given a set of atmospheric conditions






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