Here are official PDM documentations with installation guides:
As an example we will use Homebrew install method:
- Install Homebrew package manager for macOS or Linux:
- After the installation check the version via terminal with this command:
- brew -v
- Then execute this command in the terminal:
- brew install pdm
- Check the version of PDM with this command:
- pdm --version
If everything went well, you should be good to go for the next step.
After cloning the repository you must create a new branch:
- git checkout -b NAME_OF_YOUR_NEW_BRANCH
After that you need to change to the root directory of the project, which is ./lotto-csbme . Then execute this command:
- pdm install
Afterward you need to change your interpreter to ./lotto-csbme/.venv/Scripts/python.exe
Then you should execute the following command:
- pdm sync
Important! The .env file with a SECRET_KEY=Gq(0ISVBQOzMPUHVF>tJoVe-a3RDP; in it must be created in the root directory.
That should be it. You should be able to work with all the dependencies, which are needed for this project.
Here are official nvm, npm documentations with installation guides:
As an example we will use Homebrew install method:
- Install Homebrew package manager for macOS or Linux:
- After the installation check the version via terminal with this command:
- brew -v
- Then execute this command in the terminal:
- brew install nvm
- Check the version of nvm with this command:
- nvm --version
- Now install Node.js with the help of nvm with this command:
- nvm install node
- Afterward execute the following command:
- nvm use node
- Now install npm:
- npm install -g npm
- or brew install node (this should install Node.js and npm as well)
If you have some difficulties, try to use some methods from that topic:
You need to change to the backend directory of the project, which is ./lotto-csbme/src/backend . Then execute this command:
- flask run --debug
- or
- python
It will start a local development server on your machine with the default address
Now you should be able to test your backend, for example with the help of Postman:
Postman allows you to test the API with POST, GET, etc. requests. It is really useful, highly recommend to try it out!
You need to change to the frontend directory of the project, which is ./lotto-csbme/src/frontend . Then execute this command:
- npm start
It will start a local development server on your machine with the default address http://localhost:3000
It is possible that you will be asked if you want to use another address, because your port 3000 might be already in use.
After that you should be able to navigate through the frontend in the browser and test things out.