The project is an online voting system that uses facial recognition and aadhar number to authenticate voters and record their votes. The system ensures that each voter can only vote once and provides a user-friendly interface for casting votes.
- Python: The core programming language used for developing the system.
- OpenCV: Used for facial detection and recognition.
- scikit-learn: Used for the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier to recognize faces.
- pickle: Used for saving and loading the trained model and label data.
- win32com: Used for text-to-speech functionality.
- CSV: Used for storing votes.
How to Use
Setting Up the Environment Install the required packages: pip install opencv-python scikit-learn numpy pywin32
Adding Faces Run the script to add faces to the system: python The script will capture images from your webcam and save the facial data in the data/ directory.
Voting Run the script to start the voting process:
The system will use your webcam to recognize your face.
Once recognized, you can cast your vote by pressing the corresponding key:
Press 1 to vote for BJP Press 2 to vote for Congress Press 3 to vote for AAP Press 4 to vote for NOTA The system will confirm your vote and save it in the Votes.csv file.
- Viewing Votes Open the Votes.csv file to see the recorded votes. Notes Ensure that the data/ directory contains the faces_data.pkl and names.pkl files before running the script. The system uses a KNN classifier with 5 neighbors for facial recognition. The Votes.csv file will be created automatically if it does not exist.