Project "nba-app-client" was made in order to display data from API. It was made with ReactJS, while the API itself is an .NET Core 3.1 application.
What it does is get the current nba data from its official servers, retransfer it and transfer to React client application. You can do multiple things in here, such as:
Check current NBA players
- Check their bio nad career informations, including up-to date statistics from current NBA season
- Go through all of the teams, see their players, look up their current records
- And such :)
- Show LeBron James data -> http://localhost:3000/player/7b2ef5af-c1ca-4c95-af22-b79d5a4ccfe4
- Show Boston Celtics data -> http://localhost:3000/team/24544c21-df08-4839-8631-99f4f5911f21
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.