0:00:00 - 0:15:00 Introductory Lecture on the Protein Folding Problem and Artificial Intelligence Approach to the Solution
0:15:00 - 0:30:00 Introduction to the AlphaFold Tools and Database
0:30:00 - 0:45:00 Setting up Colaboratory Notebooks to run code with a free Gmail account
0:45:00 - 1:45:00 Hands On Activity
- Introduction to the Data Set used
- Introduction to the Compute Environment
- Introduction to the Alphafold Command Line Parameters
- View the Code in the Notebooks
- Run Alphafold on Command Line or using the form —- NOTEBOOKS
- Review Alphafold results (RELAXED vs RELAXED_GPU)
- Download Alphafold results
1:45:00 - 2:00:00 Coffee Break
2:00:00 - 2:20:00 Introduction to PyMoL and other Protein Viewers (e.g. Cn3D)
2:20:00 - 2:30:00 Setting up PyMoL on your own machine
2:30:00 - 3:30:00 Hands On Activity
Loading files into PyMOL
Picking residues to highlight
Other options in PyMOL for examining the protein structure
What have we learned from the visualizations?
What other questions might we ask?
3:30:00 - 3:45:00 Discussion session: How can this tool be applied to your research question? 3:45:00 - 4:00:00 Wrap up Lecture on Future Directions for AI and Resources for Further Study