Simple Python Project that simulates in a terminal like fashion how ordering one of 3 coffees would work.
- Print report
- Check if machine has enough resources (water / milk / coffe)?
- Process coins
- Check transaction succesful
- Make Coffe
- Download and run Coffee Machine.exe
- Choose beverage between espresso / latte / cappuccino
- Input amount of quaters (25 cents) , dimes (10 cents), nickels (5 cents) and pennies (1 cent)
- You will receive change based on beverage chosen and amount introduced
Each beverage is composed of water, milk and coffe. A cost is also assigned to the beverage itself. Depending on the amount of money introduced, the program will calculate total sum received and offer to return change if amount introduced is (likely) higher than cost of beverage.
Code available Program is executable Main loop in regards to beverage desired Calculating change based on amount typed in and returning the beverage Denial of order if not sufficient money is typed in
What doesn't work (yet?):
- Adjusting machine resources based on beverages ordered
- Printing a Denial Message if there are not sufficient resoureces for a beverage