List file and directory information in an easy to use format. Similar to the linux command ls
npm i rf-ls
let ls = require('rf-ls');
// this gives the following output:
full: 'test/sample/logo_orange.png',
path: 'test/sample',
file: 'logo_orange.png',
name: 'logo_orange',
type: 'file', // directory, file, link, blockDevice, characterDevice, socket
extension: 'png', // the extension if it is a file
size: '16.5 kB',
sizeBytes: 16929,
blksize: 4096,
rights: '-rw-r--r--',
owner: { read: true, write: true, execute: false },
group: { read: true, write: false, execute: false },
others: { read: true, write: false, execute: false },
accessTime: '2019-03-21T10:33:09.622Z',
modifyTime: '2019-02-21T15:49:57.000Z',
changeTime: '2019-03-21T10:33:09.618Z',
creationTime: '2019-03-21T10:33:09.618Z'
full: 'test/sample/logo_orange.svg',
path: 'test/sample',
file: 'logo_orange.svg',
name: 'logo_orange',
type: 'file',
extension: 'svg',
size: '1.2 kB',
sizeBytes: 1197,
blksize: 4096,
rights: '-rw-r--r--',
owner: { read: true, write: true, execute: false },
group: { read: true, write: false, execute: false },
others: { read: true, write: false, execute: false },
accessTime: '2019-03-21T10:33:09.810Z',
modifyTime: '2019-02-21T15:49:58.000Z',
changeTime: '2019-03-21T10:33:09.618Z',
creationTime: '2019-03-21T10:33:09.618Z'
- module is forked from npm package "ls"; currently only the first argument "path" is working. Further options might be : Move recursive through folders, select only certain filetypes with regex.
- Built in an async version.
- better tests
from the 'ls' Readme:
The only required argument is the initial path, the rest can be omitted.
ls([path/s], {config}, /file regex/, iteratorFunction)
Each file produces an object with the following parameters:
full: The path and file (/foo/bar/baz.jpg)
path: The path to the file (/foo/bar/)
file: The file (baz.jpg)
name: The file without an extension (baz)
recurse: Should we recurse into directories? (Boolean, default is false)
type: What kind of files should we return? ('all', 'dir', 'file', default is 'all')
The /regex/ will only return matching files. All directories will still be recursed.
The iterator function is mostly a style preference, but can be handy if you need to throw an error and stop traversal.
node test.js
This will log the output to your console.
This is module is a fork of the module 'ls' It is licensed under the same terms: UNLICENSED. Do whatever you want with it.