Screenshot/Image Arranger for A4 Printing
This Python script automatically arranges images onto A4-sized pages, making them ready for printing at the correct physical dimensions.
The images can be resized, for example to match the original Game Boy Advance display size (61.2 mm x 40.8 mm) and organized with margins for an optimal layout.
Simply place your screenshots in a designated folder, run the script, and it will generate A4 pages with the arranged screenshots, saved as PNG files. This tool is ideal for those looking to print their screenshots in a clean and organized manner.
The standard version is: "screenshot arranger original size"
For a version with an option to resize the images see: "screenshot arranger with"
I personally use this for arrangeing screenshots for language learning and journaling among other things. Feel free to use it in any way you like and contact me if you have any questions or suggestions!