Scripts to open new windows in i3wm using alternating layouts (splith/splitv) for each new window. These scripts were made for /u/ke7ofi after she/he asked a question on how to do this you can read the question here.
sudo apt-get install x11-utils python-pip git
sudo pip install i3-py
git clone
And add
to your ~/.i3/config
exec --no-startup-id /path/to/
Install xorg-utils from the official repos and python-i3-git from the AUR.
Then add
exec --no-startup-id /path/to/
to your ~/.i3/config
Using regular i3, creating a window layout like this would involve a lot of $mod+Return
, $mod+h
and $mod+v
. Using this script, you only need to open a bunch of new windows!