Drop-in replacement for the textarea component which automatically resizes textarea as content changes. A native React version of the popular jQuery Autosize!
This module supports IE9 and above.
import Textarea from "react-textarea-autosize";
// If you use CommonJS syntax:
// var Textarea = require('react-textarea-autosize').default;
<Textarea />
npm install react-textarea-autosize
Get a ref to inner textarea:
<Textarea inputRef={tag => (this.textarea = tag)} />
And then call a focus on that ref:
To autofocus:
<Textarea autoFocus />
(all HTML attributes are passed to inner textarea)
Because jest provides polyfills for DOM
objects by requiring jsdom and
react-test-renderer doesn't
provide refs for rendered components out of the box (calling ref callbacks with
), you need to supply a mocked ref in your tests. You can do it like this
(more can be read
const tree = renderer
.create(<Textarea />, {
createNodeMock: () => document.createElement("textarea")
To release patch, minor or major version:
% npm run release:patch
% npm run release:minor
% npm run release:major
This will run eslint, compile sources from src/
to dist/
, bump a version in
and then create a new git commit with tag. If tests or linter
fails — commit won't be created. If tasks succeed it publishes to npm and
pushes a tag to github.