A simple app for implementing a basic situation of a ride share app.
This App is using express js as backend. There is a file called client.js which is acting as our client bot. It is located in TideShare-Backend program The client bot sends requests to the server and the server checks the db after every 5 sec and matches a rider with driver and emmits the changes through socket.
About stoping the server, First we need to stop the communication server than other servers.
Technologies used
- express
- socket.io
- socket.io-client
- mongoose
- node-schedule
- http
- docker
- docker-compose
For running the RideShare-Backend Module 'npm run start' for running the server
For running the Rating Module 'npm run start' for running the server
For running the Communication Module 'npm run start' for running the server
'node client.js' for running the client
The client joins with the communication module via socket.
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
location /rating {
proxy_pass http://${RATING}:5000;
location /api {
proxy_pass http://${RIDESERVER}:6000;
Run commands for docker compose
'sudo docker-compose build'
'sudo docker-compose up' dhaka.rideshare.red chittagong.rideshare.red dhaka.communication.red chittagong.communication.red
commands for dns configuartion
sudo gedit /etc/hosts