A library for analyzing and splitting the large log file into smaller, manageable chunks, for respective year, month, day.
from log_divisor import LogDivisor as LD
ld = LD("path_to_log/file.log")
ld.divide_log_file("path_to_save_the_split_logs") # argument is optional.
# By default it outputs the split files next to the processed log file.
Supported formats:
The default, and only format for this version is '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
If the user wants to process the log file in different format, he should instance the DATE_FORMAT,
by providing both time format and the regex format. The arguments for the instance are: time_strp and date_regex respectively.
The default representation of both is:
date_regex = r'(\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+)',
time_strp = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
Possible future enhancement: Guessing the regex format from the time_strp format, freeing the user from the necessity to provide one.
- TODO: Get rid of the custom regex format, deduce it from the time format
- TODO: Support async code and operations
- TODO: Multiple formats support out of the box
- TODO: pypi release