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How to build a docker image

git submodule update --init
docker build . -t txscience/ctmd-pipeline-reload:v2.5

where txscience/ctmd-pipeline-reload:v2.5 is the pipeline image name and version tag to build. Update the image name and version tag as needed as part of the CTMD release process. This pipeline image tag must correspond to this line in and this line in docker-compose.yml of CTMD Dashboard in order for the latest built pipeline image to be used for CTMD Dashboard.

How to push docker image to dockerhub

docker login --username=your_dockerhub_username
docker push txscience/ctmd-pipeline-reload:v2.5

Update the pipeline image tag to be pushed as needed.

How to run test

cd tic-map-pipeline-script
docker build . -t ctmd-pipeline-reload:v2.5
cd tic-map-pipeline-script/test
docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build --exit-code-from pipeline


POSTGRES_DATABASE_NAME postgres database name

POSTGRES_USER postgres user

POSTGRES_PASSWORD postgres password

POSTGRES_PORT postgres port

POSTGRES_HOST postgres host

REDCAP_APPLICATION_TOKEN redcap application token

REDCAP_URL_BASE redcap url base

POSTGRES_DUMP_PATH postgres dump path

AUXILIARY_PATH path to auxiliary files to be left joined with source data (source data is left)

FILTER_PATH path to filter files to be inner joined with source data

BLOCK_PATH path to block files to be right joined with source data and removed

RELOAD_SCHEDULE set to 1 to daily reload

SCHEDULE_RUN_TIME schedule run time of reload format HH:MM

RELOAD_DATABASE set to 1 to reload database on start up

SERVER set to 1 to run a REST API

CREATE_TABLES set to 1 to create tables in database from data/tables.sql

INSERT_DATA set to 1 to insert data in database from data/tables

REDIS_QUEUE_HOST redis host for task queue

REDIS_QUEUE_PORT redis port for task queue

REDIS_QUEUE_DB redis database for task queue

REDIS_LOCK_HOST redis host for distributed locking

REDIS_LOCK_PORT redis port for distributed locking

REDIS_LOCK_DB redis database for distributed locking

REDIS_LOCK_EXPIRE expire time for distributed locking in seconds

REDIS_LOCK_TIMEOUT timeout for distributed locking in seconds

PAUSE pause at the end of test must be run using the run command


list all backups

GET /backup

create a new backup

POST /backup

delete a backup

DELETE /backup/<backup>

restore from a backup

POST /restore/<backup>

sync with source

POST /sync

insert data into table in csv

POST /table/<tablename>

csv should have matching header as the table

get data from table in json

GET /table/<tablename>

list all tasks

GET /task

list a task

GET /task/<id>

delete task

DELETE /task/<id>

get table

GET /table/<table>

overwrite table

PUT /table/<table>

with file data in csv with header in utf-8 encoding or json, and json for additional columns, and content-type for content type of the data, has_comments whether it has comments

append table

POST /table/<table>

with file data in csv with header in utf-8 encoding or json, and json for additional columns, and content-type for content type of the data, has_comments whether it has comments

update table

POST /table/<table>/column/<column>

with file data in csv with header in utf-8 encoding or json, and json for additional columns, and content-type for content type of the data, has_comments whether it has comments

Procedures to run the TIC pipeline

  • Install the TIC pipeline software on your computer
    • get docker installed on your computer. See here for instructions.
    • In tic-map-pipeline-script directory, Run docker build . -t <pipeline_image_with_tag> to build a pipeline docker image. You can replace <pipeline_image_with_tag> with the image name and tag you want, e.g., replacing it with txscience/ctmd-pipeline-reload:v2.5.
  • Translate a Redcap codebook and dataset into structural data that can be searched and visualized
  • Set up data filters
  • Update mapping.json
  • Transform data with new filters/mapping/schema
  • How to contribute


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