This is a synthesizable RV32GV RISC-V core written in the Verilog and VHDL hardware construction language, implemented and tested on Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA VC707 Evaluation Kit. Created at Reconfigurable Computation Lab, Department of Electronic System Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengalure.
This repository features the FPGA RTL for an ultra-low power microcontroller-class RISC-V Vector Processor that can be used to speed up data-parallel Workloads such as Deep Learning, Cryptography etc., on remote, portable IoT devices.
Performance improvement of upto 40.7x over the scalar-only core using about 20% more power and 80% more hardware resources.
Consists of a RISC-V (G) Core that is interfaced to Systolic Array based Vector Unit.
ISA Support: RISC-V Vector ISA 1.0 + Few custom instructions.
- Single -core, single-issue, in-order, 5-stage pipeline.
- Separate Instructions and Data Cache (8KB, 2-way Set associative).
- Main Memory : 1MB scalar memory + 512kB Vector Scratchpad memory.
- Main memory and Peripherals are connected to the core through Wishbone Bus.
- Peripheral: UART 1 port (with Flow Control) taken from
- Vector Accelerator: Systolic Array based 8-lane Integer vector unit with 512kB Scratchpad memory.
Clock : 50 MHz on Xilinx Vertex-7 FPGA.
Power consumption on FPGA: 597 mW (while running CNN for digit recognition on MNIST dataset).
Can be used as a RISC-V(G) core by disabling the vector unit to support backward compatibility.
Name | Description |
clk_in1_n | Clock Input negative |
clk_in1_p | Clock input postive |
rst_in | Async reset, active-high. |
srx_pad_i | Receiver Input pin |
stx_pad_o | Transmitter Output pin |
int_in | 3-bit Interrupt input |
cts | clear to send |
rts | request to send |
- PC with Ubuntu 20.04
- Xilinx Vivado 2020.2 with server license.
- Note that support for VC707 is removed from 2020.3 onwards.
- RISC-V GNU Toolchain
- riscv-gnu-toolchain GitHub Version Name: RVV_INTRINSIC
- To be compiled specifically for 32-bit targets
- riscv-isa-sim SPIKE simulator
- riscv-pk Proxy Kernel is required to run SPIKE.
- riscv-gnu-toolchain GitHub Version Name: RVV_INTRINSIC
The repository is organized as follows-
- Overview of the work is provided in a powerpoint presentation
- Source Code
- RTL Source and Wrapper in Verilog/VHDL
- Test Bench RTL
- IPs
- README file
- Benchmark Suite
- 6 Benchmark programs consisting of matrix Multiplication, Convolution, Multi-layer Perceptron, CNN etc.,
- Excel Sheet with Benchmark Figures obtained for various workloads.
- Benchmark Source codes and executables to reproduce the values.
- Readme file describing how to compile and simulate the benchmarks.
- Demo
- Demo Video showcasing an image recognition task performed by the vector processor
- FPGA .BIT file
- Drivers required for setting up the demo mentioned in note.txt.
- Demo Video
- Studies: Neural Network Profiling
- .c source codes for the Neural Networks that were used to study the benefits of using data parallel architectures to run different NN topologies