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I2SRV32-V RISC-V Vector Processor

This is a synthesizable RV32GV RISC-V core written in the Verilog and VHDL hardware construction language, implemented and tested on Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA VC707 Evaluation Kit. Created at Reconfigurable Computation Lab, Department of Electronic System Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengalure.


Top Level FPGA RTL Wrapper


High Level Microarchitecture



This repository features the FPGA RTL for an ultra-low power microcontroller-class RISC-V Vector Processor that can be used to speed up data-parallel Workloads such as Deep Learning, Cryptography etc., on remote, portable IoT devices.


  1. Performance improvement of upto 40.7x over the scalar-only core using about 20% more power and 80% more hardware resources.

  2. Consists of a RISC-V (G) Core that is interfaced to Systolic Array based Vector Unit.

  3. ISA Support: RISC-V Vector ISA 1.0 + Few custom instructions.

  4. Microarchitecture

    • Single -core, single-issue, in-order, 5-stage pipeline.
    • Separate Instructions and Data Cache (8KB, 2-way Set associative).
    • Main Memory : 1MB scalar memory + 512kB Vector Scratchpad memory.
    • Main memory and Peripherals are connected to the core through Wishbone Bus.
    • Peripheral: UART 1 port (with Flow Control) taken from
    • Vector Accelerator: Systolic Array based 8-lane Integer vector unit with 512kB Scratchpad memory.
  5. Clock : 50 MHz on Xilinx Vertex-7 FPGA.

  6. Power consumption on FPGA: 597 mW (while running CNN for digit recognition on MNIST dataset).

  7. Can be used as a RISC-V(G) core by disabling the vector unit to support backward compatibility.

Supported Vector Instructions


Design Space

Parameter Specification
Vector Memory 512 KB Scratchpad Memory
Memory Map While migrating between the CPUs, the linker file in arch/riscv.ld of the benchmark program should be changed accordingly image
Compiling Scalar Code Depending upon which code runs properly on the CPU, gcc -O3/gcc-O2 have been set in the Makefiles
Scratchpad Memory Experiments on Scalar Programs All Benchmark programs have separate folders named – SPRAM and NO_SPRAM which contain scalar codes that use (do not use) scratchpad memory
Compiling Vector Code NOT compiled using gcc -O3


Name Description
clk_in1_n Clock Input negative
clk_in1_p Clock input postive
rst_in Async reset, active-high.
srx_pad_i Receiver Input pin
stx_pad_o Transmitter Output pin
int_in 3-bit Interrupt input
cts clear to send
rts request to send


  • ​ PC with Ubuntu 20.04
  • Xilinx Vivado 2020.2 with server license.
    • Note that support for VC707 is removed from 2020.3 onwards.
  • ​ RISC-V GNU Toolchain
    • riscv-gnu-toolchain GitHub Version Name: RVV_INTRINSIC
      • To be compiled specifically for 32-bit targets
    • riscv-isa-sim SPIKE simulator
    • riscv-pk Proxy Kernel is required to run SPIKE.

Contents of the Repository

The repository is organized as follows-

  • Overview of the work is provided in a powerpoint presentation
  • Source Code
    • RTL Source and Wrapper in Verilog/VHDL
    • Test Bench RTL
    • IPs
    • README file
  • Benchmark Suite
    • 6 Benchmark programs consisting of matrix Multiplication, Convolution, Multi-layer Perceptron, CNN etc.,
    • Excel Sheet with Benchmark Figures obtained for various workloads.
    • Benchmark Source codes and executables to reproduce the values.
    • Readme file describing how to compile and simulate the benchmarks.
  • Demo
    • Demo Video showcasing an image recognition task performed by the vector processor
    • FPGA .BIT file
    • Drivers required for setting up the demo mentioned in note.txt.
    • Demo Video
  • Studies: Neural Network Profiling
    • .c source codes for the Neural Networks that were used to study the benefits of using data parallel architectures to run different NN topologies


Reconfigurable Computing Lab, DESE, Indian Institiute of Science








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