RAMS release version 6.3.00
VERSION 6.3.00
- Removing some unused variables in the calls to “predict” from the subroutine “hadvance”. Also
tested out some preliminary code there to install the R-A-W filter. See notes in the code about
installation. Testing shows that there are some issues in the installation that need a deeper look. - In micphys.f90, changed the minimum hydrometeor mixing ratio allowed from 1.e-12 to 1.e-9
kg/kg. This value is used for positive definite application for hydrometeor mixing ratios and for
determining if a subroutine is run within the microphysics. This prevents wasting runtime or
nearly negligible amounts of condensate. Testing show that this threshold change has only minor
impacts to solutions since these amounts are still quite small. However, runtime is sped up, and
compressed file space is reduced. - Changed “r3min” and “rimin” within subroutine “make_autotab” from 0.01e-6 to 0.01e8g/cm3. This allows for lookup table space involving collisions between rain or ice with cloud
water. This change prevents very small amounts of collector mass from collecting cloud water at
a more rapid pace. In a stratocumulus test, this reduced the frequency of occurrence of small rain
rates. This should be more realistic. - Small change in land surface model to prevent read-in soil moisture from exceeding the
volumetric capacity that coincides with the LEAF/SiB soil classes.