Hi there It's me Ragav R
Full-Stack Developer | Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Student
- Currently advancing my knowledge in Data Structures and Algorithms, while deepening my Full-Stack Development skills.
- Open to collaborating on innovative, AI-driven projects that address real-world challenges.
- Exploring new opportunities in Full-Stack Development and AI, focusing on impactful and scalable solutions.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- OD Claimer Website - A web app that distinguishes user roles (teacher or student) and allows teachers to manage student OD requests.
- LeetCode Streak Tracker - A personal project tracking LeetCode activity, featuring visualizations of problem-solving streaks.
- Portfolio Website - Built using React, Tailwind CSS, and Vite.js to showcase my skills and projects. Visit here
- Crop Water Requirement Predictor - An AI-based model predicting water needs for different crops based on soil, region, and weather conditions.