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Conclave Cloud - the serverless platform that preserves privacy using Intel SGX.
Conclave Cloud provides a set of services within the platform, all of which can be accessed using this client library.
Conclave Functions is a serverless framework that allows your project to run backend code in a privacy preserving environment.
This repository contains source files for various different R3 Conclave Cloud platform information sites and sources. Each subfolder contains a different set of documentation as outlined in the table below.
Document | Folder/URL | Notes |
Conclave Cloud user documentation | user-guide |
A collection of document source files that are used to build the Conclave Cloud user documentation pages. |
REST API specification | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/R3Conclave/conclave-cloud-api-spec/main/conclave-cloud-api.yml |
An OpenAPI specification that defines the REST interface for Conclave Cloud. |
The rendered pages from user-guide
are hosted on GitHub pages at https://r3conclave.github.io/ccl-documentation/.
The latest version can be generated and pushed to the gh-pages
branch using the following commands.
cd user-guide
mkdocs gh-deploy
The pages at the hosted URL will update within a few minutes.