Public Function EncryptData(ByVal message, ByVal password)
Public Function DecryptData(ByVal message, ByVal password)
<!--#include file="rijndael.asp"-->
Dim key
Dim text
Dim crypted
Dim decrypted
key = "protect"
text = "Something to be protected"
Response.write("<br> <h2> Informations </h2>" & crypted)
Response.write("<br> Key: " & key)
Response.write("<br> Text: " & text)
crypted = EncryptData(text, key)
Response.write("<br> <h2> Crypted message: </h2>" & crypted)
decrypted = DecryptData(crypted, key)
Response.write("<br> <h2> Decrypted message: </h2>" & decrypted)
FILENAME: Rijndael.asp
AUTHOR: Phil Fresle
CREATED: 19-Feb-2001
COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2001 Phil Fresle
EMAIL: [email protected]
DESCRIPTION: Implementation of the AES Rijndael Block Cipher. Inspired by Mike Scott's implementation in C.