- Write the modules inside
as a new command. - On
insert the modules quantity.%-Where insert the number of modules---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \setcounter{NModules}{3} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Link the modules in this section to creating the buttons for activate/deactivate modules.
%-Line where insert buttons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \arabic{TEMP}. \button{FModule}{\arabic{LI}} \button{SModule}{\arabic{LI}} \button{TModule}{\arabic{LI}} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change page header at this point
\begin{minipage}{0.9\textwidth} \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{XX} { \raggedright \includegraphics[scale=0.015]{Lorem_Ipsum_Logo.jpg} }&{ \vspace*{-2cm} \raggedleft %-Place where insert the header ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Some informations here- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } \end{tabularx} \end{minipage}
- Add modules here to generating the document body
%-Line where insert modules------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \def\modules{{"\module{FModule}{\arabic{LI}}{\FModule}", "\module{SModule}{\arabic{LI}}{\SModule}", "\module{TModule}{\arabic{LI}}{\TModule}" }} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fork this repository by pressing the second button at the top right.
- Rename the repository as you want and change the description then Fork it!
⚠️ You have to activate "Actions" on your repo; go to "Actions", click on "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them"⚠️ - Upload your image using GitHub into "Modular_document\Images".
- Access the folder from main page.
- "Add file" -> "Upload files" -> drag and drop your images here.
- At the end, "Commit changes".
- Access the LaTeX documents into "Modular_document".
- Once in the folder click on the file to personalize.
- Now click on "Edit this file" (the pencil on top right).
- Change whatever you want using comments as guide and the documentation (remember to change old images names).
- Now "Commit changes"!
- Wait 2 minutes, got to "Actions" -> "Compile" -> click on the last one (look at the date on right) -> scroll down the page and click on "artifact file".
- Done! now you have your document.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.