This app enables the creation of very high resolution Magic proxy cards, without relying on scan quality
- Parse card list in MTGO format
- Search Scryfall for card with name
- Creates high resolution of cards, even non-english one
- Generates a different artwork for each basic land you want to generate (it's nicer imo)
- Edit or create cards (including backs)
- All non-basic cards (only Planeswalker, but not Saga, Split, Flip, Adventures etc.)
- Adjust printing variables (but you can play around with CSS variables inside the html if you want)
- Open the app on your device
- Select the language you want to use for you cards
- Search for cards or click "Import from MTGO" and paste you card list
- Whatever your OS, always set the printing margins to none and you scale to 100% and you should be good
Contrary to other tools, this one doesn't rely on scans for the proxies but instead re-creates them based on the card info.
I made it because I'm french and french scans of MTG cards are often awful.
With this tool I can get very high resolution of cards in vector format, perfect for printing with personal printer ! (the results are very convincing so far)