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Improve support for mixed scalartypes (#259)
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* Fix `fin_mpo * fin_mps` with mixed scalartypes

* Add `complex(::FiniteMPS)`

* Fix `fin_mpo + fin_mpo` with mixed scalartype

* simplify implementation

* add utility `left_virtualspace` and `right_virtualspace`

* `scale(::MPO, ::Number)` with mixed scalartypes

* small fixes

* various changes and improvements

* Expand testing with mixed scalartypes

* convert to complex states in TDVP

* Add `complex(::WindowMPS)`

* Add `complex(::InfiniteMPS)`

* Add `complex(::LazySum)`

* fix multiplication of MPOHamiltonian
  • Loading branch information
lkdvos authored Mar 3, 2025
1 parent d91262b commit 941b747
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Showing 12 changed files with 160 additions and 63 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
RecipesBase = "3cdcf5f2-1ef4-517c-9805-6587b60abb01"
TensorKit = "07d1fe3e-3e46-537d-9eac-e9e13d0d4cec"
TensorKitManifolds = "11fa318c-39cb-4a83-b1ed-cdc7ba1e3684"
TensorOperations = "6aa20fa7-93e2-5fca-9bc0-fbd0db3c71a2"
VectorInterface = "409d34a3-91d5-4945-b6ec-7529ddf182d8"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +53,6 @@ Aqua = "4c88cf16-eb10-579e-8560-4a9242c79595"
Combinatorics = "861a8166-3701-5b0c-9a16-15d98fcdc6aa"
Pkg = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
TensorOperations = "6aa20fa7-93e2-5fca-9bc0-fbd0db3c71a2"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
TestExtras = "5ed8adda-3752-4e41-b88a-e8b09835ee3a"

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/MPSKit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ using Compat: @compat
using TensorKit
using TensorKit: BraidingTensor
using BlockTensorKit
using TensorOperations
using KrylovKit
using KrylovKit: KrylovAlgorithm
using OptimKit
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/algorithms/timestep/tdvp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,10 @@ $(TYPEDFIELDS)
finalize::F = Defaults._finalize

function timestep(ψ::InfiniteMPS, H, t::Number, dt::Number, alg::TDVP,
envs::AbstractMPSEnvironments=environments(ψ, H);
function timestep(ψ_::InfiniteMPS, H, t::Number, dt::Number, alg::TDVP,
envs::AbstractMPSEnvironments=environments(ψ_, H);
ψ = complex(ψ_)
temp_ACs = similar.AC)
temp_Cs = similar.C)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,5 +173,5 @@ end
function timestep::AbstractFiniteMPS, H, time::Number, timestep::Number,
alg::Union{TDVP,TDVP2}, envs::AbstractMPSEnvironments=environments(ψ, H);
return timestep!(copy(ψ), H, time, timestep, alg, envs; kwargs...)
return timestep!(copy(complex(ψ)), H, time, timestep, alg, envs; kwargs...)
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/operators/abstractmpo.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ end
# Properties
# ----------
left_virtualspace(mpo::AbstractMPO, site::Int) = left_virtualspace(mpo[site])
left_virtualspace(mpo::AbstractMPO) = map(left_virtualspace, parent(mpo))
right_virtualspace(mpo::AbstractMPO, site::Int) = right_virtualspace(mpo[site])
right_virtualspace(mpo::AbstractMPO) = map(right_virtualspace, parent(mpo))
physicalspace(mpo::AbstractMPO, site::Int) = physicalspace(mpo[site])
physicalspace(mpo::AbstractMPO) = map(physicalspace, mpo)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,7 +172,11 @@ Base.:*(mpo::AbstractMPO, α::Number) = scale(mpo, α)
Base.:/(mpo::AbstractMPO, α::Number) = scale(mpo, inv(α))
Base.:\::Number, mpo::AbstractMPO) = scale(mpo, inv(α))

VectorInterface.scale(mpo::AbstractMPO, α::Number) = scale!(copy(mpo), α)
function VectorInterface.scale(mpo::AbstractMPO, α::Number)
T = VectorInterface.promote_scale(scalartype(mpo), scalartype(α))
dst = similar(mpo, T)
return scale!(dst, mpo, α)

LinearAlgebra.norm(mpo::AbstractMPO) = sqrt(abs(dot(mpo, mpo)))

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/operators/lazysum.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ Base.length(x::LazySum) = prod(size(x))
Base.similar(x::LazySum, ::Type{S}, dims::Dims) where {S} = LazySum(similar(x.ops, S, dims))
Base.setindex!(A::LazySum, X, i::Int) = (setindex!(A.ops, X, i); A)

Base.complex(x::LazySum) = LazySum(complex.(x.ops))

# Holy traits
TimeDependence(x::LazySum) = istimed(x) ? TimeDependent() : NotTimeDependent()
istimed(x::LazySum) = any(istimed, x)
Expand Down
90 changes: 43 additions & 47 deletions src/operators/mpo.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,9 +55,12 @@ DenseMPO(mpo::MPO) = mpo isa DenseMPO ? copy(mpo) : MPO(map(TensorMap, parent(mp
Base.parent(mpo::MPO) = mpo.O
Base.copy(mpo::MPO) = MPO(map(copy, mpo))

function Base.similar(mpo::MPO, ::Type{O}, L::Int) where {O}
function Base.similar(mpo::MPO{<:MPOTensor}, ::Type{O}, L::Int) where {O<:MPOTensor}
return MPO(similar(parent(mpo), O, L))
function Base.similar(mpo::MPO, ::Type{T}) where {T<:Number}
return MPO(similar.(parent(mpo), T))

Base.repeat(mpo::MPO, n::Int) = MPO(repeat(parent(mpo), n))
Base.repeat(mpo::MPO, rows::Int, cols::Int) = MultilineMPO(fill(repeat(mpo, cols), rows))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,19 +105,20 @@ function Base.convert(::Type{TensorMap}, mpo::FiniteMPO{<:MPOTensor})
return convert(TensorMap, _instantiate_finitempo(L, M, R))

Base.complex(mpo::MPO) = MPO(map(complex, parent(mpo)))

# Linear Algebra
# --------------
# VectorInterface.scalartype(::Type{FiniteMPO{O}}) where {O} = scalartype(O)

Base.:+(mpo::MPO) = MPO(map(+, parent(mpo)))
function Base.:+(mpo1::FiniteMPO{TO}, mpo2::FiniteMPO{TO}) where {TO<:MPOTensor}
(N = length(mpo1)) == length(mpo2) || throw(ArgumentError("dimension mismatch"))
function Base.:+(mpo1::FiniteMPO{<:MPOTensor}, mpo2::FiniteMPO{<:MPOTensor})
N = check_length(mpo1, mpo2)
@assert left_virtualspace(mpo1, 1) == left_virtualspace(mpo2, 1) &&
right_virtualspace(mpo1, N) == right_virtualspace(mpo2, N)

mpo = similar(parent(mpo1))
halfN = N ÷ 2
A = storagetype(TO)
A = storagetype(eltype(mpo1))

# left half
F₁ = isometry(A, (right_virtualspace(mpo1, 1) right_virtualspace(mpo2, 1)),
Expand All @@ -127,7 +131,9 @@ function Base.:+(mpo1::FiniteMPO{TO}, mpo2::FiniteMPO{TO}) where {TO<:MPOTensor}

# making sure that the new operator is "full rank"
O, R = leftorth!(O)
mpo[1] = transpose(O, ((2, 3), (1, 4)))
O′ = transpose(O, ((2, 3), (1, 4)))
mpo = similar(mpo1, typeof(O′))
mpo[1] = O′

for i in 2:halfN
# incorporate fusers from left side
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,11 +199,18 @@ function VectorInterface.scale!(mpo::MPO, α::Number)
scale!(first(mpo), α)
return mpo
function VectorInterface.scale!(dst::MPO, src::MPO, α::Number)
N = check_length(dst, src)
for i in 1:N
scale!(dst[i], src[i], i == 1 ? α : One())
return dst

function Base.:*(mpo1::FiniteMPO{<:MPOTensor}, mpo2::FiniteMPO{<:MPOTensor})
N = check_length(mpo1, mpo2)
(S = spacetype(mpo1)) == spacetype(mpo2) || throw(SectorMismatch())

# TODO: merge implementation with that of InfiniteMPO
function Base.:*(mpo1::FiniteMPO{TO}, mpo2::FiniteMPO{TO}) where {TO<:MPOTensor}
(N = length(mpo1)) == length(mpo2) || throw(ArgumentError("dimension mismatch"))
S = spacetype(TO)
if (left_virtualspace(mpo1, 1) != oneunit(S) ||
left_virtualspace(mpo2, 1) != oneunit(S)) ||
(right_virtualspace(mpo1, N) != oneunit(S) ||
Expand All @@ -207,44 +220,34 @@ function Base.:*(mpo1::FiniteMPO{TO}, mpo2::FiniteMPO{TO}) where {TO<:MPOTensor}
# would work and for now I dont feel like figuring out if this is important

O = similar(parent(mpo1))
A = storagetype(TO)

# note order of mpos: mpo1 * mpo2 * state -> mpo2 on top of mpo1
local Fᵣ # trick to make Fᵣ defined in the loop
for i in 1:N
Fₗ = i != 1 ? Fᵣ : fuser(A, left_virtualspace(mpo2, i), left_virtualspace(mpo1, i))
Fᵣ = fuser(A, right_virtualspace(mpo2, i), right_virtualspace(mpo1, i))
@plansor O[i][-1 -2; -3 -4] := Fₗ[-1; 1 4] * mpo2[i][1 2; -3 3] *
mpo1[i][4 -2; 2 5] *
conj(Fᵣ[-4; 3 5])

O = map(fuse_mul_mpo, parent(mpo1), parent(mpo2))
return changebonds!(FiniteMPO(O), SvdCut(; trscheme=notrunc()))
function Base.:*(mpo1::InfiniteMPO, mpo2::InfiniteMPO)
check_length(mpo1, mpo2)
Os = map(fuse_mul_mpo, parent(mpo1), parent(mpo2))
return InfiniteMPO(Os)

function Base.:*(mpo::FiniteMPO, mps::FiniteMPS)
length(mpo) == length(mps) || throw(ArgumentError("dimension mismatch"))

A = [mps.AC[1]; mps.AR[2:end]]
TT = storagetype(eltype(A))

local Fᵣ # trick to make Fᵣ defined in the loop
for i in 1:length(mps)
Fₗ = i != 1 ? Fᵣ : fuser(TT, left_virtualspace(mps, i), left_virtualspace(mpo, i))
Fᵣ = fuser(TT, right_virtualspace(mps, i), right_virtualspace(mpo, i))
A[i] = _fuse_mpo_mps(mpo[i], A[i], Fₗ, Fᵣ)
N = check_length(mpo, mps)
T = TensorOperations.promote_contract(scalartype(mpo), scalartype(mps))
A = TensorKit.similarstoragetype(eltype(mps), T)
Fᵣ = fuser(A, left_virtualspace(mps, 1), left_virtualspace(mpo, 1))
A2 = map(1:N) do i
A1 = i == 1 ? mps.AC[1] : mps.AR[i]
Fₗ = Fᵣ
Fᵣ = fuser(A, right_virtualspace(mps, i), right_virtualspace(mpo, i))
return _fuse_mpo_mps(mpo[i], A1, Fₗ, Fᵣ)

return changebonds!(FiniteMPS(A),
SvdCut(; trscheme=truncbelow(eps(real(scalartype(TT)))));
trscheme = truncbelow(eps(real(T)))
return changebonds!(FiniteMPS(A2), SvdCut(; trscheme); normalize=false)

function Base.:*(mpo::InfiniteMPO, mps::InfiniteMPS)
L = check_length(mpo, mps)
T = promote_type(scalartype(mpo), scalartype(mps))
fusers = PeriodicArray(fuser.(T, left_virtualspace.(Ref(mps), 1:L),
A = TensorKit.similarstoragetype(eltype(mps), T)
fusers = PeriodicArray(fuser.(A, left_virtualspace.(Ref(mps), 1:L),
left_virtualspace.(Ref(mpo), 1:L)))
As = map(1:L) do i
return _fuse_mpo_mps(mpo[i], mps.AL[i], fusers[i], fusers[i + 1])
Expand All @@ -260,12 +263,6 @@ function _fuse_mpo_mps(O::MPOTensor, A::MPSTensor, Fₗ, Fᵣ)
return A′ isa AbstractBlockTensorMap ? TensorMap(A′) : A′

function Base.:*(mpo1::InfiniteMPO, mpo2::InfiniteMPO)
check_length(mpo1, mpo2)
Os = map(fuse_mul_mpo, parent(mpo1), parent(mpo2))
return InfiniteMPO(Os)

function Base.:*(mpo::FiniteMPO{<:MPOTensor}, x::AbstractTensorMap)
@assert length(mpo) > 1
@assert numout(x) == length(mpo)
Expand All @@ -281,8 +278,7 @@ end
# in the middle
function{T}, mpo::FiniteMPO{<:MPOTensor},
ket::FiniteMPS{T}) where {T}
(N = length(bra)) == length(mpo) == length(ket) ||
throw(ArgumentError("dimension mismatch"))
N = check_length(bra, mpo, ket)
Nhalf = N ÷ 2
# left half
ρ_left = isomorphism(storagetype(T),
Expand Down
67 changes: 56 additions & 11 deletions src/operators/mpohamiltonian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -374,6 +374,32 @@ function add_physical_charge(H::MPOHamiltonian, charges::AbstractVector{<:Sector

# TODO: remove once complex(::BraidingTensor) isa BraidingTensor
# Base.complex(H::MPOHamiltonian) = MPOHamiltonian(map(complex, parent(H)))
function Base.complex(H::MPOHamiltonian)
scalartype(H) <: Complex && return H
Ws = map(parent(H)) do W
W′ = jordanmpotensortype(spacetype(W), complex(scalartype(W)))
W′[1] = W[1]
W′[end] = W[end]
for (I, v) in nonzero_pairs(W)
if v isa BraidingTensor
W′[I] = BraidingTensor{scalartype(W′)}(space(v), v.adjoint)
W′[I] = complex(v)
return MPOHamiltonian(H)

function Base.similar(H::MPOHamiltonian, ::Type{O}, L::Int) where {O<:MPOTensor}
return MPOHamiltonian(similar(parent(H), O, L))
function Base.similar(H::MPOHamiltonian, ::Type{T}) where {T<:Number}
return MPOHamiltonian(similar.(parent(H), T))

# Linear Algebra
# --------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -496,15 +522,36 @@ function VectorInterface.scale!(H::FiniteMPOHamiltonian, λ::Number)
return H

function VectorInterface.scale!(dst::MPOHamiltonian, src::MPOHamiltonian,
N = check_length(dst, src)
for i in 1:N
space(dst[i]) == space(src[i]) || throw(SpaceMismatch())
for (I, v) in nonzero_pairs(src[i])
# only scale "starting" terms
isstarting = I[1] == 1 &&
((isfinite(dst) && i == N && I[4] == size(src[i], 4)) ||
((!isfinite(dst) || i != N) && I[4] > 1))
if v isa BraidingTensor && !isstarting
dst[i][I] = v
dst[i][I] = scale!(dst[i][I], v, isstarting ? λ : One())
return dst

function Base.:*(H1::MPOHamiltonian, H2::MPOHamiltonian)
check_length(H1, H2)
Ws = fuse_mul_mpo.(parent(H1), parent(H2))
return MPOHamiltonian(Ws)

function Base.:*(H::FiniteMPOHamiltonian, mps::FiniteMPS)
check_length(H, mps)
@assert length(mps) > 2 "MPS should have at least three sites, to be implemented otherwise"
N = check_length(H, mps)
@assert N > 2 "MPS should have at least three sites, to be implemented otherwise"
A = convert.(BlockTensorMap, [mps.AC[1]; mps.AR[2:end]])
A′ = similar(A,
tensormaptype(spacetype(mps), numout(eltype(mps)), numin(eltype(mps)),
Expand All @@ -515,30 +562,30 @@ function Base.:*(H::FiniteMPOHamiltonian, mps::FiniteMPS)
Q, R = leftorth!(a; alg=QR())
A′[1] = convert(TensorMap, Q)

for i in 2:(length(mps) ÷ 2)
for i in 2:(N ÷ 2)
@plansor a[-1 -2; -3 -4] := R[-1; 1 2] * A[i][1 3; -3] * H[i][2 -2; 3 -4]
Q, R = leftorth!(a; alg=QR())
A′[i] = convert(TensorMap, Q)

# right to middle
U = ones(scalartype(H), right_virtualspace(H, length(H)))
U = ones(scalartype(H), right_virtualspace(H, N))
@plansor a[-1 -2; -3 -4] := A[end][-1 2; -3] * H[end][-2 -4; 2 1] * U[1]
L, Q = rightorth!(a; alg=LQ())
A′[end] = transpose(convert(TensorMap, Q), ((1, 3), (2,)))

for i in (length(mps) - 1):-1:(length(mps) ÷ 2 + 2)
for i in (N - 1):-1:(N ÷ 2 + 2)
@plansor a[-1 -2; -3 -4] := A[i][-1 3; 1] * H[i][-2 -4; 3 2] * L[1 2; -3]
L, Q = rightorth!(a; alg=LQ())
A′[i] = transpose(convert(TensorMap, Q), ((1, 3), (2,)))

# connect pieces
@plansor a[-1 -2; -3] := R[-1; 1 2] *
A[length(mps) ÷ 2 + 1][1 3; 4] *
H[length(mps) ÷ 2 + 1][2 -2; 3 5] *
A[N ÷ 2 + 1][1 3; 4] *
H[N ÷ 2 + 1][2 -2; 3 5] *
L[4 5; -3]
A′[length(mps) ÷ 2 + 1] = convert(TensorMap, a)
A′[N ÷ 2 + 1] = convert(TensorMap, a)

return FiniteMPS(A′)
Expand All @@ -553,9 +600,7 @@ function Base.:*(H::FiniteMPOHamiltonian{<:MPOTensor}, x::AbstractTensorMap)

function₁::FiniteMPOHamiltonian, H₂::FiniteMPOHamiltonian)
check_length(H₁, H₂)

N = length(H₁)
N = check_length(H₁, H₂)
Nhalf = N ÷ 2
# left half
@plansor ρ_left[-1; -2] := conj(H₁[1][1 2; 3 -1]) * H₂[1][1 2; 3 -2]
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/states/finitemps.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -316,6 +316,19 @@ Base.@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(ψ::FiniteMPS, i::Int)

_complex_if_not_missing(x) = ismissing(x) ? x : complex(x)
function Base.complex(mps::FiniteMPS)
scalartype(mps) <: Complex && return mps
ALs = _complex_if_not_missing.(mps.ALs)
ARs = _complex_if_not_missing.(mps.ARs)
Cs = _complex_if_not_missing.(mps.Cs)
ACs = _complex_if_not_missing.(mps.ACs)
return FiniteMPS(collect(Union{Missing,eltype(ALs)}, ALs),
collect(Union{Missing,eltype(ARs)}, ARs),
collect(Union{Missing,eltype(ACs)}, ACs),
collect(Union{Missing,eltype(Cs)}, Cs))

@inline function Base.getindex::FiniteMPS, I::AbstractUnitRange)
return Base.getindex.(Ref(ψ), I)
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/states/infinitemps.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,6 +224,11 @@ function Base.copy!(ψ::InfiniteMPS, ϕ::InfiniteMPS)
return ψ

function Base.complex::InfiniteMPS)
scalartype(ψ) <: Complex && return ψ
return InfiniteMPS(complex.(ψ.AL), complex.(ψ.AR), complex.(ψ.C), complex.(ψ.AC))

function Base.repeat::InfiniteMPS, i::Int)
return InfiniteMPS(repeat.AL, i), repeat.AR, i), repeat.C, i), repeat.AC, i))
Expand Down

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