AgenticFleet is an adaptive multi-agent system designed to provide robust and scalable solutions for complex tasks. This documentation will guide you through the setup, usage, and customization of AgenticFleet.
- Introduction
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- API Reference
- Contributing
- License
- Introduction
AgenticFleet is designed to handle complex tasks by leveraging multiple agents that can adapt to changing environments. Each agent operates independently but can communicate and collaborate with other agents to achieve common goals.
Install the
Installation To install AgenticFleet, you need to have Python 3.7+ installed. You can install AgenticFleet using pip:
pip install agenticfleet
Run the following command at the root of your documentation (where mint.json is)
mintlify dev
Install our Github App to auto propagate changes from your repo to your deployment. Changes will be deployed to production automatically after pushing to the default branch. Find the link to install on your dashboard.
- Mintlify dev isn't running - Run
mintlify install
it'll re-install dependencies. - Page loads as a 404 - Make sure you are running in a folder with