Usage: [OPTIONS]
Train on MNIST
-t, --train_prop FLOAT Proportion of train set to the total dataset.
-e, --epochs INTEGER Number of training epochs.
-p, --patience INTEGER If the model performs poorly for a specified
number of consecutive epochs, training will be
-b, --batch_size INTEGER Batch size.
-l, --lr0 FLOAT Initial learning rate.
-m, --momentum FLOAT Momentum of SGD.
-o, --out_dir TEXT Training output directory.
--batch_size_val INTEGER Validating batch size. If not set, it will be
equal to batch_size.
--help Show this message and exit.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
-s, --source TEXT Source of prediction, which can be a path to
an image, a video or a directory.
-m, --model-path TEXT Path to the trained model. [required]
-o, --out_dir TEXT Predicting output directory.
--save / --no-save Whether to save predicted images or videos.
--save-labels / --no-save-labels
Whether to save the label file.
--help Show this message and exit.