This SDK provides a programmatic way for interacting with QEDIT's Asset Transfer API. The specification definition file is publicly available in this repository.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.7.2
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import pyqedit
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import pyqedit
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import pyqedit
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration = pyqedit.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['x-auth-token'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['x-auth-token'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = pyqedit.AnalyticsApi(pyqedit.ApiClient(configuration))
get_network_activity_request = pyqedit.GetNetworkActivityRequest() # GetNetworkActivityRequest |
# Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
api_response = api_instance.analytics_get_network_activity_post(get_network_activity_request)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AnalyticsApi->analytics_get_network_activity_post: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:12052
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnalyticsApi | analytics_get_network_activity_post | POST /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions |
AnalyticsApi | analytics_get_sync_status_post | POST /analytics/get_sync_status | Get blockchain sync status information |
AttachmentApi | attachment_add_to_group_post | POST /attachment/add_to_group | Add a new member to a group |
AttachmentApi | attachment_create_group_post | POST /attachment/create_group | Create a new group |
AttachmentApi | attachment_download_post | POST /attachment/download | Download an Attachment |
AttachmentApi | attachment_get_groups_post | POST /attachment/get_groups | List the Groups the Wallet has access to |
AttachmentApi | attachment_leave_group_post | POST /attachment/leave_group | Removes an owned Wallet from a Group |
AttachmentApi | attachment_list_post | POST /attachment/list | Lists available Attachments |
AttachmentApi | attachment_upload_post | POST /attachment/upload | Upload an Attachment and share it with a Group |
HealthApi | health_post | POST /health | Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services |
NodeApi | node_approve_task_post | POST /node/approve_task | Approve task with pending incoming transaction [async call] |
NodeApi | node_cancel_task_post | POST /node/cancel_task | Cancel task with pending incoming transaction both incoming and outgoing [async call] |
NodeApi | node_delete_wallet_post | POST /node/delete_wallet | Delete a Wallet [async call] |
NodeApi | node_export_auditor_access_wallet_post | POST /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export viewing credentials for a Wallet |
NodeApi | node_export_wallet_post | POST /node/export_wallet | Export wallet secret key |
NodeApi | node_generate_wallet_post | POST /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new Wallet |
NodeApi | node_get_all_wallets_post | POST /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet IDs |
NodeApi | node_get_notifications_post | POST /node/get_notifications | Get notifications |
NodeApi | node_get_rules_post | POST /node/get_rules | Get network governance Rules |
NodeApi | node_get_task_status_post | POST /node/get_task_status | Get a specific task (by ID) |
NodeApi | node_get_tasks_post | POST /node/get_tasks | Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks |
NodeApi | node_import_auditor_access_wallet_post | POST /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call] |
NodeApi | node_import_wallet_post | POST /node/import_wallet | Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call] |
WalletApi | wallet_create_rule_post | POST /wallet/create_rule | Create a new Rule in the network [async call] |
WalletApi | wallet_delete_rule_post | POST /wallet/delete_rule | Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call] |
WalletApi | wallet_get_activity_post | POST /wallet/get_activity | Get wallet activity (transactions) |
WalletApi | wallet_get_balances_post | POST /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balances |
WalletApi | wallet_get_new_address_post | POST /wallet/get_new_address | Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly |
WalletApi | wallet_get_public_key_post | POST /wallet/get_public_key | Get wallet public key |
WalletApi | wallet_issue_asset_post | POST /wallet/issue_asset | Issue assets [async call] |
WalletApi | wallet_share_viewing_permission_post | POST /wallet/share_viewing_permission | Share the viewing credentials for a given Wallet |
WalletApi | wallet_transfer_asset_post | POST /wallet/transfer_asset | Transfer assets [async call] |
- AddToGroupRequest
- AddToGroupResponse
- AnalyticIssueWalletTx
- AnalyticRuleWalletTx
- AnalyticTransaction
- AnalyticTransferWalletTx
- AnalyticWalletMetadata
- AnalyticWalletTx
- AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription
- AnalyticsIssueTx
- AnalyticsMultiTransferTx
- AnalyticsOutput
- AnalyticsOutputDescription
- AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription
- AnalyticsRuleDefinition
- AnalyticsRuleTx
- AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition
- AnalyticsSpendDescription
- AnalyticsTransferTx
- AnalyticsTxMetadata
- AnalyticsTxType
- AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
- AttachmentBody
- AttachmentHeader
- BalanceForAsset
- CreateGroupRequest
- CreateGroupResponse
- CreateRuleRequest
- DeleteRuleRequest
- DeleteWalletRequest
- DownloadAttachmentRequest
- DownloadAttachmentResponse
- EmptyContent
- ErrorResponse
- ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
- ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse
- ExportWalletRequest
- ExportWalletResponse
- GenerateWalletRequest
- GetAllWalletsResponse
- GetGroupsRequest
- GetGroupsResponse
- GetNetworkActivityRequest
- GetNetworkActivityResponse
- GetNewAddressRequest
- GetNewAddressResponse
- GetNotificationsRequest
- GetNotificationsResponse
- GetPublicKeyRequest
- GetPublicKeyResponse
- GetRulesResponse
- GetSyncStatusResponse
- GetTaskStatusRequest
- GetTaskStatusResponse
- GetTasksRequest
- GetTasksResponse
- GetWalletActivityRequest
- GetWalletActivityResponse
- GetWalletBalanceRequest
- GetWalletBalanceResponse
- GroupInformation
- HealthcheckResponse
- HealthcheckResponseItem
- ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
- ImportWalletRequest
- IssueAssetRequest
- LeaveGroupRequest
- LeaveGroupResponse
- ListAttachmentsRequest
- ListAttachmentsResponse
- Notification
- NotificationType
- OrderEnum
- Result
- Rule
- ShareWalletViewingPermissionRequest
- ShareWalletViewingPermissionResponse
- TaskActionRequest
- TaskData
- TaskState
- TaskType
- TransferAssetRequest
- UploadAttachmentRequest
- UploadAttachmentResponse
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-auth-token
- Location: HTTP header