- ✉️
[email protected]
- 🖥 macOS + zsh + Xcode + Vim + FiraCode
- 🔨 Ready to contribute with C++/Swift/Java/Python!
- 📷 Instagram
- 📝 Blog and EN Ver.
✈️ Telegram 🏠 Home Page 🐦 Twitter - 🎮 Play on Steam
- 🔨 Working on Nothing because of schoolwork.
I am a 14y/o student who code by avocation from China. I write mainly C++, partly Swift and Python, and Java while needed.
I made innovative projects, like Daily Notes, and I have a great many ideas waiting to be realized. I play an active part in many Open Source repositories, especially those belong to my friend @MrWillCom.
I have participated in WWDC Scholarship twice (both failed though), and will try harder in the future. Also, I have taken part in several contests in Programming, such as NOIP (National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces), and got prizes. Here's where I practice.
At my leisure, I love filming and taking photos. Follow my Instagram, YouTube (NOT AVAILABLE) and BiliBili for more.
I'm willing to make friends from home and abroad. Here's my email, my Telegram and my Twitter
In the end, I'm proud to introduce my elder sister @QD-lazy-tm who is 16.