A simple and easy-to-use todo TUI
- Install:
pip install todoism
- Run:
- Update:
pip install todoism --upgrade
│ │
│ Short commands: │
│ a - Create new task/category │
│ d - Mark task as done │
│ e - Edit task/category │
│ f - Mark task as flagged │
│ q - Quit this help message/todoism │
│ │
│ Key bindings: │
│ Tab - Toggle focus bewteen tasks and sidebar │
│ Double Backspace - delete task │
│ ESC - quit adding/editing task │
│ Enter - finish adding/editing task │
│ Up/Down Arrow Keys - navigate through tasks │
│ Mouse Click: │
│ - on task: Select task │
│ - on category: Select category │
│ - on done: Toggle task completion │
│ - on flag: Toggle task flag │
│ │
│ Vim-like long commands: │
│ (:<command> [args]) │
│ :help - Show this help message │
│ :del [task_id] - Delete task │
│ :edit [task_id] - Edit task │
│ :done [task_id] - Mark task as done |
│ :purge - Purge all done tasks │
│ :sort f - Sort flagged tasks to top │
│ :sort d - Sort done tasks to bottom │
│ :autosort f on|off │
│ :autosort d on|off │
│ :color blue|red|yellow|green │
│ - Change background color of current task │
│ :st on|off - toggle strikethrough effect │
│ │
Some terminal does not support mouse click or strike through effect.
- properly display completed tasks
- maybe make autosort flag and done default
- grey background when adding new task using 'a'
- make status bar prettier: wrap it as a block
- add multi language support
- make no-task message more helpful
- command autosort
- emulate the popup menu when right click on task
- esc to quit exit() too slow
- command: date ymd, dmy
- custom theme
- wrap a setup func for e.g paths
- ctl + shift to select multiple tasks to delete/done
- group different kinds of tasks
- simplify print args
- history total done count in maybe settings
- sound
Issues and PRs are welcome! todoism uses curses library as its main tech stack. Please refer to the library docs and how-to to get started.