Android Application with various game-modes, built with Java.
- Implement more interfaces to allow for programming to interface and to further follow the open/closed design principle
- Clean up object instantiations that don't program to interface. (E.g. ArrayList -> List)
- Fix bug in stock ranking related to randomly generated identical tickers
Stock Ranking
- Timed quiz with user-specified amount of questions. User given four stocks with initial price and change, and has to rank the stocks in increasing order after change is applied.
Open Ended
- Timed quiz with user-specified amount of questions, randomly generated math questions.
Multiple Choice
- Timed quiz with user-speicifed amount of questions, multiple choice style answer input and limit of incorrect answers
Cow Game Mode
- Arcade style game mode where character moves up and down the screen and tries to avoid / catch projectiles. A question and answer is put at the top of the screen, and a player has to move the character to touch check mark projectile if it is correct, and red crosses if it is incorrect
- Player starts with five lives, and a life is deducted if they miss the correct projectile, touch the incorrect projectile, or touch one of the damage projectiels.