This is an attempt to make a syntax highliting ruler for Inkle's company Ink language, but in treesitter parser format ( which can be used in Neovim and other editors).
Make a lazy.nvim plugin, that will help with doing syntax highlighting for Ink.
That's a good question. The main inspiration is the need to have a tool which will allow me to write Interactive fiction from my mobile device, even when there is no internet. All the other tools either require internet connection, are very outdated and/or don't play well with mobile devices. After testing it for long time i found out that combination of:
- Termux
- NeoVim + tons of plugins
- Ink + InkJS(web project+compiler)
Gives me the most hastle free experience and can be setup very fast on any device. Currently Ink syntax highlighting is the only thing missing from my pipeline (+ maybe snippets and validator, but that is not necessary needed).
Currently we are at 0% progress. This will be updated once some work is done. PS: It is a side-project, which may be dropped. If more people will star it and/or observe, then i will have some incentive to focus on it more. Until then set your expectations to very, very low.
TBD - will be for Linux, windows and Android