Releases: Pushedskydiver/Colour-Contrast-Checker
Releases · Pushedskydiver/Colour-Contrast-Checker
Colour Contrast Release Log
Remix migration ♻️
For a while I have been wanting to move away from Create React App (CRA) and I have finally been in a position where I've been able to do that. I decided to migrate over to Remix for its customisation and ease of use when it comes to handling server side data, error boundaries and more.
With the migration to Remix, I have changed how the url is updated when selecting colours. Previously, when you updated a colour the url would change to something like /ffffff/222222
. Now, when a colour is updated the url is updated via query parameters to something like /?background=ffffff&foreground=222222
. I have put redirects in place so the old url format still works by redirecting you to the new format.
Enhancements 🎨
- Make all UI (except for the Aa logo) update to still be readable ad useable when the 2 selected colours have poor contrast
- Updated UI of some elements
Colour Contrast Release Log
Enhancements 🎨
- Updated Aa heading to change colour based on hex code value in Foreground Colour input
- Upgraded iOS PWA splash screens to support more iOS devices
- Upgraded dependencies
Colour Contrast Release Log
Features ✨
- Add ability to reverse background/foreground colours
- Add skip links
- Add iOS PWA splash screens
- Show tooltip when pressing copy to clipboard buttons
Enhancements 🎨
- Changing of text colours for input boxes, input ranges and WCAG grades depending on contrast of background/foreground colours
- Made swatch colours more accessible. Reads out background/foreground values of swatch
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Removed ability to use shorthand hex codes as caused confusion
Colour Contrast Release Log
- Check colours via hex code or colour name e.g. #ffffff, coral
- Change hue, saturation & lightness using the input ranges
- Save background and foreground colours to re-append later on
- PWA implementation
- Ability to edit example body copy
- Ability to copy background and foreground hex code values