Forward your server's chat to your Telegram channel. Psystec's Discord: discord. /EyRgFdA
- Global Chat forward.
- Team Chat forward.
- Notifies when a player connects or disconnects.
- Chat format can be customized.
To reload the config file with a console command you will need chattotelegram.admin
-- Displays the commands.chattotelegram loadconfig
-- Loads the config file, handy for if you make changes in the config file.
"TelegramBotToken": "",
"ChatID": "",
"EnableGlobalChat": true,
"EnableTeamChat": true,
"EnableConnections": true,
"GlobalChatFormat": "[{time}] [**GLOBAL**] **{username}**: `{message}`",
"TeamChatFormat": "[{time}] [**TEAM**] **{username}**: `{message}`",
"ConnectionFormat": "[{time}] **{username}**: {connectionstatus}",
"DateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
"Connected": "Connected.",
"Disconnected": "Disconnected.",
"NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
"FileLoaded": "File loaded.",
"cmdCommand": "COMMAND",
"cmdDescription": "DESCRIPTION",
"cmdReload": "Reads the config file."
- Create a Telebram Bot using the BotFather to get the Bot Token.
- Create a channel and change the public link. (ex. psystectest)
- Use the Channel name as the ChatID config (ex. @psystectest)