Centos-7.4.1708 and Gnome Desktop with Armbian-5.44 for Pine64
This release packages the Armbian 5.44 U-Boot and kernel along with the CentOS-7.4 root filesystem. The major upgrades are a new 4.14 kernel and out of the box support for a range of monitors with different screen sizes. The GNOME Desktop was added using:
yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop"
ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/runlevel5.target /etc/systemd/system/default.target
Use Etcher to flash this image to your microSD card (8GB or larger).
To log in use the default root password of centos.
IMPORTANT: Please run the /root/finish-centos-install.sh after first login. Among other things this will force you to change the root password.