Reusable VueJS form elements that renders with Bootstrap 4
This is a collection of simple and rich form elements that can be bound to a parent VueJS component utilizing v-model. If you are using Bootstrap 4, then the rendering of these elements will be easy to use and fit right into your html rendering.
If you want to preview the elements in action, clone the github repository and run the npm run serve target. The vue-cli project will launch locally and you'll be able to play with each of the form elements.
// Bring in the Javascript Distribution
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueFormElements from '@processmaker/vue-form-elements'
Using the above, the components are globally registered with VueJS.
import {FormInput, FormSelect} from '@processmaker/vue-form-elements'
new Vue({
el: '#example',
components: {
Renders an input field, allowing types of text, password, email, search, date, datetime-local
Renders a checkbox field, allowing the grouping of checkboxes by passing in a name property.
Renders a radio button group, passing in options through a property.
Renders a select field with options being passed in through a property.
Renders a textarea field
The following are parameters used in the components to configure it
Provides two-way binding to a variable.
Specify the name of the field. This is used for certain operations and for labeling when used with validation rules.
Specifies the type for the input field. This can be text(default) or password or any other html5 supported type.
An array of objects that represents possible options for the field. Each object contains two properties. 'content' is the text label of the option. 'value' is the value that will be assigned if the option is selected.
An optional error to render with the field.
The number of rows to provide input for the textarea control.
Other properties may exist. Refer to the source code of the control to see what additional properties are available.
Validation is performed by the library in order to resemble the functionality of Laravel validation rules. Please see this repository for more information on applicable rules.
- validation: string representation of the validation rules
- validationData: a reference to a data model to validate against. Useful if you are using rules that reference other properties
- validationMessages: A custom map of validation messages to use if defaults are not wanted (ex: translations). See validatorjs repository for the formatting of this parameter.
To test VueFormElements using Docker, you can build this image locally and test it out. By running these commands from your terminal.
docker build vfe:<tag name> .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d vfe:<tag name>
You can use docker compose to spin up your container easily by running these commands
docker compose build
docker compose up
Once you are done, you can control + c
to terminate the process
- Go to your browser and go to http://localhost:8080