An App for downloading and syncing remote playlists to your phone
Install adb
Connect smartphone to computer via usb
Download either apk in the release (they are the 32 and 62 bit versions respectively)
32 Bit:
adb install path/to/download/sync_dl_gui_armeabi_v7a_1.0.apk
64 Bit:
adb install path/to/download/sync_dl_gui_armeabi_v7a_1.0.apk
Created to avoid having music deleted but still have the convenience of browsing, adding and reordering new music using remote services such as youtube.
the application does not store any of its metadata in songs, metadata is stored next to them in a .metadata file, the music files are managed through numbering, allowing them to be played alphanumerically using any playback service (such as VLC)
The main feature of sync-dl Adds new music from remote playlist to local playlist, also takes ordering of remote playlist without deleting songs no longer available in remote playlist.
songs that are no longer available in remote, will remain after the song they are currently after in the local playlist
git clone
cd sync-dl-gui
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 sync_dl_gui/
install buildozer
install adb
install android-SDK
install openJDK
Enable developer mode on your smartphone and connect it to your computer via usb, be sure to enable usb debugging. Test if connection is working using
adb devices
Clone the project and setup logging
git clone
cd sync-dl-gui
pip install -r requirements.txt
adb logcat -s "python" > logs/logcat
In a seperate terminal run the following to build and push to your smartphone
buildozer android debug
This will build sync_dl_gui however we must manually configure androids manifest xml files located at:
32 Bit:
64 Bit:
In the application element of these files, add:
This will enable the application to use the old storage api, which will allow sync_dl_gui's dependancies to access shared files such as music, bypassing the storage scoping rules added to android api 29 while still allowing us to deploy on google play.
Finally run the following command to build, install and run the app
buildozer android debug deploy run
The following will output a deployment build in bin
buildozer android release
Use keytool to create a RSA key of size 2048
install jarsigner
jarsigner -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore path/to/keystore bin/sync_dl_gui-1.0-armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk chosen-key-alais
install zipalign
zipalign -c -v 4 bin/sync_dl_gui-1.0-armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk bin/sync_dl_gui_armeabi_v7a_1.0.apk
adb install bin/sync_dl_gui_armeabi_v7a_1.0.apk
Google Play requires both 32 and 64 bit releases
Follow Google Consoles step by step guide for releaseing an the application