Milestone Project One: User-Centric Frontend Development - Code Institute
This is the website for the rock band, The Monkees. The page highlights a few of the bands greatest hits, as well as information relating to the band members. As the band are still touring, it features a section for enquires about their availability.
A live version can be found on Github Pages
When I was laying out this project, I wanted to make it as simple as possible, so I chose a one page layout, with different sections for different elements.
- As a fan of the band, I want to be able to see pictures of the band and get more information about them.
- As a fan of the band, I would like to be able to listen to their songs and watch them perform.
- As a client, I would like to be able to hear what they sound like and check their availability.
I mocked up an early desktop-first layout using Balsamiq, which can be found here.
The page uses the Scrollspy feature from Bootstrap, to highlight which part of the page is active on the navbar. It also has jQuery function to enable tooltips, and to have smooth scrolling when an anchor is selected.
- Carousel - allows fans to see pictures of the band, which they can scroll through.
- Information - shows fans what the bandmembers look like, and give them the option to find out more by clicking on their pictures.
- Songs - let fans and prospective clients hear what they sound like, by using the embedded player
- Video - highlights the latest music video the band has released, showing what they might be like playing live.
- Contact - lets clients get in touch with the band, by filling in a form with the relevant information.
- Calender showing availability
- Upcoming shows
- Used for the structural elements of the site
- Used to style the HTML elements
- Bootstrap
- Used to give access to a multitude of helper classes for CSS
- FontAwesome
- Used for the social and heading icons
- jQuery
- Used for DOM manipulation
For fans of the band, we provided a section where they can see a headshot of each bandmember and if they click that, they can read some tidbits about them. We also provided an audio and video sections, where a sample of the bands back catalogue is available to listen to or watch. Finally, a contact form was added, where clients can provide some information and a call back will be arranged with them.
If you submit the form without any fields filled in, it will indicate this to the user. If an invalid email address is detected, that too will throw a warning to the user, asking them to correct it. Finally, if no message is input, the form will ask that the field be filled out. If all fields are filled and valid, the form will go through.
Clicking the links in the footer will open them in a new tab/window depending on user preferences due to using the attribute target="blank"
. The attribute rel="noopener"
was added after reading the benefits of doing so here.
The links in the navbar will smoothly scroll down to the anchor the user has selected, with the return to top anchor doing the same in reverse. Also the current section is highlighted in the navbar by the Scrollspy effect.
The site was tested across 2 browsers, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. I used the devtools in both browsers to check for compatibility issues on mobile devices. This lead to styling changes when using smaller devices as certain elements are too small or large to display correctly. I also checked the mobile view on my personal Android device, Motorola e5.
While introducing the smooth scroll, it was found that it was affecting the band info section, causing unruly jumping. This was fixed by selecting only the navbar links for smooth scroll.
Another issue was the navbar not collapsing on clicking an element on mobile view. This was fixed by adding a jQuery function to check if the nav-toggler is displayed, then toggle the dropdown if a link is clicked.
I added a modal to be toggled when the submit button was clicked, telling users that no data was actually being submitted, there is no backend. When I did this though, it still showed the modal even though the form was not valid. I searched around on Stack Overflow for solutions to my problem, but none really covered my issue. So, I bound the submit event in jQuery to show the modal on successful submit.
This site is hosted on Github Pages, deployed from the master branch. There are no differences between the development and deployed version.
To clone this repository to run locally, you can do the following:
Create a new repository on Github
Clone my repository with the following commands on your local machine:
git clone git remote rename origin upstream git remote add origin *URL TO NEW GITHUB REPO* git push origin master
Deploy to Github Pages using the repository settings on Github
- The band information was copied from this site
- The smooth scroll function was copied from W3Schools
- The back to top function was copied from this site
- The CSS had its browser prefixes added by Autoprefixer
- All other content was written by myself
- Some photos in this site were obtained from the suggested repository
- Album art was taken from Wikipedia, and believed to qualify under fair use, due to nonprofit educational use
- Carousel images taken from Google Search, and believed to qualify under fair use, due to nonprofit educational use
- I received inspiration for this site from visiting various band sites.
- Thanks to my mentor, Oluwaseun Owonikoko
- Thanks to all members of the Code Institute Slack workspace