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Reducing complexity

This project demonstrates techniques of reducing code complexity on the example of a series of implementations of a simple Vending Machine. Each implementation introduces improvements concerning code complexity.

Each version is in a distinct package named: pl.pragmatists.complexity.machine.[v1|v2|v3|v4|v5a|v5b|v6|v7]. See the Steps section below for explanation of how complexity has been improved between different versions. A convenient way to work with the versions is to diff files to see exact modifications.

You're invited to follow the Steps described below or try your own approach. There are also exercises below. To start coding just copy the two classes from v1 to some new package, point the tests to the VendingMachine there (see Tests), and you're good to go!

Vending Machine overview

We'll be working on a simplistic implementation of a Vending Machine. It's just an example, so don't worry if this doesn't seem to be industry-grade, bulletproof code.

Three things can be done with the machine:

  • you can insert any amount of coins (we assume that there is only one type of coins, worth 1).
  • you can input a number corresponding to some action the machine will execute, the actions are:
    • code 1: sell a choco bar for 5 coins. The machine checks if there is enough choco bars left in it and if there are enough coins.
    • code 2: sell a juice box for 7 coins. Analogous conditions hold as for choco bars.
    • code 0: return all remaining coins.
    • code 100: call Vening Machine service help (implemented in v7).

In response, the machine will display appropriate messages.

Have a look at the class pl.pragmatists.complexity.machine.Demo to play around with the Vending Machine (don't forget to choose the right package for VendingMachine!).


Here are explanations and comments about the steps between consecutive version of the code, from most to least complex. It may be helpful to diff the code to see what are the exact changes discussed.

From 1 to 2: Return fast!

Here we placed a guard condition just at the beginning of the choose method, checking if there's any stock available. It doesn't strictly reduce the number of possible execution paths of the code, but it reduces the cognitive load when reading further lines.

It may not always be a good choice to have multiple returns, but quickly dealing with the edge cases and moving to the real stuff is worth it.

From 2 to 3: Extract smaller methods

The actual code for selling choco bars and juice boxes has been extracted from choose. This immediately left us with several methods having less complexity. The next part of this step was extracting common part of these methods, so we ended up with only one complex method (which will be dealt with further ahead).

Notice that the new method sellItem(int, BooleanSupplier, String, IntSupplier, IntConsumer) has a rather complex signature. It looks like in the end we traded one type of complexity for another. However, further refactoring is possible to deal with that.

From 3 to 4: Hide complexity behind abstractions

Now there were changes done concerning the VendingMachineAction enum. First, each enum value got a code associated with it (in Java enums are capable of really useful stuff!). Then, we filtered a stream of all the values to find the one matching the argument the of method. The logic of several sloppy ifs is now hidden under the series of descriptive API calls.

Using a Stream is only one example, you'll encounter pretty many chances to abstract the complexity away.

From 4 to 5a: Use strategies! With enums!

In this part we added a Consumer<VendingMachine> field to the VendingMachineAction enum. This field represents what should happen with the VendingMachine when the enum value is chosen. Such a dynamically chosen object used to pass the action to be taken is called a Strategy.
And it frees us from using the switch. In the VendingMachine we are left with simple:

    var selectedAction = VendingMachineAction.of(selectedNumber);

Note, however, that to do this, we made several initially private methods package-private. There's a trade-off to everything (but there's an exercise to fix this below).

Also, the message for unavailable choice has been changed, as it is no longer convenient (albeit possible) to pass the choice number to be displayed.

From 4 to 5b: Provide strategies

This version is an alternative to 5a. Sometimes it's not reasonable to push more stuff to the enum. Sometimes the choice of the appropriate strategy may not be as simple as mapping int to an enum value. Here we used a Map. But the point is that creating the appropriate strategies may take place in many ways.

Further on the road you maye combine the Factory pattern with Strategy to choose strategies based on complex inputs, and to be able to have each strategy use a different set of dependencies such as repos, message queues, http clients etc.

From 5a to 6: Return fast (again)!

Here we have a quick attempt to civilize sellItem(..)'s nested ifs and elses. The cognitive complexity is reduced, but by some other metrics we might have increased the complexity. When in doubt, choose what seems reasonable.

From 6 to 7: Implement new functionality -- fast!

We introduced a feature to call a vending machine service by choosing 100, which required only adding a new enum value and pointing it the ReportIssueStrategy instance which holds all the necessary code. In real life it could send an SMS notification with details to the repairman, here it only prints the machine's id to console. But the important thing is that the choice logic has been extremely simplified and the business logic of reporting a malfunction is held in one, dedicated place. Which feels like a huge win!


I prepared tests so that you can check if the Vending Machine is still working after each refactoring cycle. In order to do so, in VendingMachineTest change the imported VendingMachines package to the one you're currently working on and run the tests using JUnit.

NOTE: the VendingMachine has many void methods and often what is tested is the args with which MachineDisplay#display(String) is called. Such tests may prove brittle if you diverge quite a lot from the original implementation. Don't worry in such a case. Just carefully adjust the tests and keep on the good work!


These are fairly open-ended exercises. You can (and probably will need to) add new methods, classes, enums etc. to accomplish some of them.

  1. Implement selling another type of product When the choice is 3 have the Vending Machine sell an apple. Do this first using code in v1 then in version v6/v7.
  2. Test your apple-selling functionality Try writing tests for the changes you made in task 1. You'll see that for the later version it boils down to testing the strategy and making sure a correct strategy is chosen.
  3. Simplify the sellItem(..) signature As explained in Step from 2 to 3, the method sellItem(..) is fairly advanced for what it does. There are plenty ways of simplifying this, however. Think of a couple and implement one of them. (Hint: Instead of passing a getter and setter to access and modify the stock of specific stuff, you could have a mapping of item type to the current stock. Then the method would get the stock type (a new enum?) as a parameter instead of the method references.)
  4. Get rid of sellItem(..) ifs In sellItem(..) there are still two ifs in v7. It's unlikely that we can get rid of all the flow control, but maybe the checks of stock availability could be done somewhere else? Could you implement the strategies for choices 1 and 2 to first check if there's enough stock (or coins, or both) and only then call sellItem(..)?
  5. De-hermetization trade-off In Step from 4 to 5a there's a trade-off mentioned. It consists in making private fields package-private to be able to access them in the enum. Can you think of a way of using strategies (and implement it) without sacrificing encapsulation?


A project demonstating how to reduce code complexity






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