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v0.6.0 Release

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@bhilburn bhilburn released this 08 Mar 18:31
· 755 commits to master since this release
  • Fixed a bug where the tag display was broken on detached HEADs.
  • Fixed a bug where SVN detection sometimes failed.
  • Fixed the load and ram segments for BSD.
  • Fixed code-points that changed in Awesome fonts.
  • Fixed display of "OK_ICON" in status segment in non-verbose mode.
  • Fixed an issue where dir name truncation that was very short sometimes failed.
  • Speed & accuracy improvements to the battery segment.
  • Added Github syntax highlighting to README.
  • Various documentation cleanup.

New Font Option: nerd-fonts

There is now an option to use nerd-fonts with P9k. Simply configure the nerdfont-fontconfig, and you'll be set!

vcs changes

The VCS segment can now display icons for remote repo hosting services, including Github, Gitlab, and 'other'.

dir changes

Added an option to configure the path separator. If you want something
else than an ordinary slash, you could set

truncate_with_package_name now searches for composer.json as well

Now composer.json files are searched as well. By default package.json still takes
precedence. If you want to change that, set POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PACKAGE_FILES=(composer.json package.json).

New segment command_execution_time added

Shows the duration a command needed to run. By default only durations over 3 seconds
are shown (can be adjusted by setting POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_THRESHOLD).

New segment dir_writable added

This segment displays a lock icon if your user has no write permissions in the current folder.

New segment disk_usage added

This segment will show the usage level of your current partition.

New segment public_ip added

Fetches your Public IP (using and displays it in your prompt.

New segment swift_version added

This segment displays the version of Swift that is installed / in your path.

New segment detect_virt added

Detects and reports if you are in a virtualized session using systemd.