A webpack loader canonizing xml files, fixing issues like unquoted attributes:
<div width=100px />
=> <div width="100px" />
The plugin uses xml2js to parse and stringify the xml to normalize it.
test: /\.xml/,
use: [
loader: 'file-loader'
loader: 'xml-fix-loader',
options: {
//this will be pased to "xml2js.parseString(parse || defaultParseOptions)"
parse: defaultParseOptions,
// this will be passed to "new xml2js.Builder(stringify || defaultStringifyOptions)"
stringify: defaultStringifyOptions
// filter resources based on their resourcename
filterResource: defaultFilter
// filter resources based on their resourcename
filterContent: defaultFilter
// filter resources based on their resourcename
filterParsedContent: defaultFilter
// filter resources based on their resourcename
changeXmlObj: identity
Where the arguments specified above are:
function defaultFilter(){
return true
function identity(xmlObj){
return xmlObj
var defaultParseOptions = {
trim: true,
async: true,
strict: false,
normalize: false,
explicitChildren: true,
preserveChildrenOrder: true
var defaultStringifyOptions = {}