npm install memoize-last-for-key --save
Creates a function that caches the last result of arguments, by key calculated from the arguments.
This library is useful if you can conclude a key from function's arguments where it is expected to receive the same arguments and return the same results.
See example below.
The cache of the memoization function looks like this:
[generatedKeyFromArgs]: {
args: Array, // full args of the cached call
result: Any, // results for the cached call
entryOrder: Number // order of the cachedId
When a lastMemoized
function is called:
- we calculate it's key using
- if it doesn't exists in the cache, we calculate it's result and add it
- old keys are deleted of their number exceeds
- old keys are deleted of their number exceeds
- if it exists exists we compare it's args to previous args using
- if the args are equal we return the cached result
- otherwise we run the function and add the result to the cache
const memoizeLast = require('memoize-last-for-key')
const config = {
keyResolver: function(args){
return args[0].id
const updateItemPrice = memoizeLast(function(item, newPrice){
// Some heavy calculation goes here.
// If it's not heavy, don't use this library.
return Object.assign({}, item, {price: newPrice})
}, config)
const item = {id: 1, name: 'item-1', price: 100}
const updatedItem = updateItemPrice(item, 200) //{id: 1, name: 'item-1', price: 200}
const anotherUpdatedItem = updateItemPrice(item, 200) //{id: 1, name: 'item-1', price: 200}
// updatedItem === anotherUpdatedItem
const newItem = {id: 1, name: 'item-2', price: 100}
const newUpdatedItem = updateItemPrice(newItem, 200) //{id: 1, price: 200}
// updatedItem !== newUpdatedItem because newItem is not item
// Determines ow do we compare function's args to old args.
// If this function returns true, the result is pulled from the cache.
equalityFn: function defaultEqualityFn(oldArgs, newArgs){
return isDeepEqual(oldArgs, newArgs)
// The key we store and retrieve `args` and `result` from the cache.
// Upon retiraval we compare args to old args using `equalityFn` and decide if result should be recalculated.
keyResolver: function defaultKeyResolver(args){
return JSON.stringify(args[0])
// Number of keys in the hash table
length: 100,
// The `this` inside the memoize function
context: null