Pouiiro's next plate is a very straightforward boilerplate with basic needs that everyone needs to setup a project as quick as possible.
The plate currently includes:
- Shadcn (button & label)
- Dark mode (fixed nextjs flickering)
- Lucide react (icons)
- React hook form
- Zod
- Tailwind
- Next themes
- Biome
- Bun testing
- React testing library
- Playwright
- GET example
- POST example
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them. The project is using BUN, maybe you wanna use a different package manager, you can just delete bun.lockb
it's pretty straight forward, just run:
bun install
and then
bun dev
Feel free to make a PR request and i will look into it