Your personal AI Gamer Friend
Lazy AiOwl is an assistant with many possibilities. The current features are : Search and instant answers, Search in wikipedia, Play a music.
See in-app commands list.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Python 3.6.8+
Virtual environment included but in case you wanna setup it from scratch ↓
Please run this to setup the environement aswell as the packages
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python2 venv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r PyRequirements.txt either locally (in your current working directory) or somewhere in your system library search path. This module is somewhat lenient as far as libmpv versions are concerned but since libmpv is changing quite frequently you'll only get all the newest features when using an up-to-date version of this module.
yarn build
Run this first
Py true
yarn start
If you wanna execute it using the build folder run it without any argument
python -m eel build --icon=owl.ico --hiddenimport srsly.msgpack.util --hiddenimport cymem --hiddenimport cymem.cymem --hiddenimport preshed.maps --hiddenimport thinc.linalg --hiddenimport SpaCy --hiddenimport nltk.chunk.named_entity --add-data "mpv-1.dll;.\mpvlib\" --additional-hooks-dir=. --hiddenimport chatterbot.preprocessors --hiddenimport mpv
- Wake / sleep feature (sleep done)
- Volume control (done)
- Learn and play a game
- Teach a game to the user
- Play games with the user
- More to come...
- @Ouail Bni aka Mr-Wii - Idea & Initial work