Popov Dmitriy:
- c/c++ (cmake,qt,gtest,boost)
- python
- nodejs (express)
- linux
Mokichev Alexandr:
- JS
- React
Krasnova Alina
- Python (django, pandas, scikit, tensorflow)
- ReactTS
- Linux
- python
- npm
- pip
- Install dependencies
- install frontend dependencies
- create and activate python virtual envirounment (venv)
cd <path to project folder should end with Hackaton>
python -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
- install backend dependencies
cd ./backend
pip install -r ./reqirements.txt
- install analitics dependencies
cd ./analys
pip install -r ./reqirements.txt
- build frontend
- install frontend dependencies
cd ./frontend
npm install
- build frontend
npm run build
- Run backend server
cd ./backend && uvicorn main:app