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4. Accessing elements of DataSeries

Oleksandr Zaytsev edited this page Jan 10, 2018 · 1 revision

When accessing the elements of a DataSeries, you can think of is as an Array. at: message allows you to access elements by their index, with at:put: you can modify the given element.

series at: 2.    "b"
series at: 3 put: 'x'.

Besides the standard Array accessors, DataSeries provides additional operations for accessing elements by their keys

series atKey: #k2.    "b"
series atKey: #k3 put: 'x'.

Messages for enumerating, such as do: or withIndexDo: work the same as in Array, and the collect: message creates a new DataSerie preserving the name and keys of the receiver.

newSeries := series collect: [ :each | each, 'x' ].
newSeries name.         "letters"
newSeries atKey: 'k1'.  "ax"


  1. Installation
  2. Creating DataSeries
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