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VethoenGames edited this page Sep 12, 2021 · 1 revision


  • /status : See section "Food and Water/Status"
    • Usage: /status [all|hunger|thirst|nutrients|fatigue]
    • Aliases: /stat, /s
  • /giveitem : Give a player a custom item
    • Usage: /giveitem [item]
    • Aliases: /itemgive, /survivalitem
  • /togglechat : See section "Local Chat Features"
    • Usage: /togglechat [global|local]
    • Aliases: /tc
  • /reload-survival : Reload the plugin individually.
    • Usage: /reload-survival
    • Aliases: /survival-reload
  • /nutrition : Opens up the nutrition GUI
    • Usuage: /nutrition
  • /heal [player] : Heal yourself or a player
    • Usage: /heal or /heal player
  • /playerdata : Set the stats of a player
    • Usage: /playerdata (player) (add/remove/set) (stat) (amount)
    • Stats: thirst, energy, proteins, salts, carbs


  • survivalplus.reload - Permission to use /reload-survival command
  • survivalplus.togglechat - Permission to use /togglechat command
  • survivalplus.giveitem - Permission to use /giveitem command
  • survivalplus.nutrition.gui - Permission to use /nutrition command
  • survivalplus.heal - Permission to use /heal command
  • survivalplus.heal.others - Permission to use /heal command
  • survivalplus.playerdata - Permission to use /playerdata command
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