Arduino RFID Access Control using a RC522 RFID reader with SPI interface on your Arduino You define a Master Card which is act as Programmer then you can able to choose card holders who will granted access or not
- Easy User Interface
Just one RFID tag needed whether Delete or Add Tags You can choose to use Leds for output or Serial LCD module to inform users. Or you can use both
- Stores Information on EEPROM
Information stored on non volatile Arduino's EEPROM memory to preserve Users' tag and Master Card No Information lost if power lost. EEPROM has unlimited Read cycle but 100,000 limited Write cycle.
- Security
To keep it simple we are going to use Tag's Unique IDs It's simple and not hacker proof.
- Additional Information
MFRC522 Library also lets us to use some authentication mechanism, writing blocks and reading back and there is great example and piece of code about reading and writing PICCs here >
More info on:
- Credits
Omer Siar Baysal who put together this project
Idea and most of code from Brett Martin's project
MFRC522 Library Created by Miguel Balboa (, Jan, 2012.
Arduino Forum Member luisilva for His Massive Code Correction