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A free personal finance management app.

Freenance is a simple mobile app made for expense tracking.

Create multiple Budgets, each budget can group several envelope and each envelope can group several operations.

Budget => Envelope => Operation

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Generate sources

This project use generated sources for:

  • state management
  • tests mocks
  • cucumber tests

Generate sources using command line

Sources can be generated using the command line.

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Generate sources using VsCode tasks

VsCode task has been created in order to generate sources using a simple shortcut.

  1. Type Cmd + Shift + P to show the VsCode command palette.
  2. Type Run Task select Tasks: Run Task and hit Enter
  3. Now select generate sources and hit Enter

See .vscode/tasks.json for tasks definition.

Generate App icon

This project use flutter_launcher_icons plugin from for icon management.

The icon root asset is located at assets/icon/icon.png

Generate App icon using command line

To change icon follow these steps:

  1. Replace the asset image in assets/icon/icon.png
  2. Run the commande dart run flutter_launcher_icons

Generate App icon using VcCode Tasks

VsCode task has been created in order to generate App icon using a simple shortcut.

  1. Type Cmd + Shift + P to show the VsCode command palette.
  2. Type Run Task select Tasks: Run Task and hit Enter
  3. Now select generate icon and hit Enter

See .vscode/tasks.json for tasks definition.


Two test categories are implemented:

  1. Unit tests + Mockito
  2. Cucumber tests

Run unit tests

Just run the tests

flutter test

Run unit tests with coverage

flutter test --coverage

Exclude files from coverage report

lcov --remove coverage/ -o coverage/ 'lib/view/**/*' 'lib/model/logic/freenance_db.dart' '**/*.g.dart' 'lib/view_model/providers.dart'

Generate coverage report

genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html


Personal finance management app








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