GeoSpot is a PWA (progressive web app) that allows users to discover and share their favorite places. Users can create an account, add a new place, and find places that other users have added.
This app uses the following technologies:
- React -> Base library
- Vite -> Build tool
- TypeScript -> Language
- Material UI -> UI library
- React Router -> Routing
- React Query -> Data fetching, caching, and state management
- ESLint -> Linter
- Prettier -> Code formatter
For the features, it uses:
- ThreeJS -> Render 3D scene with objects
- MapBox -> Render map with markers and routes
- DeviceOrientation and Geolocation
To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd geospot
cp .env.example .env # fill variables
npm install
Then, start the app:
npm run dev
To deploy the app, run the following command:
npm run build
npm run preview
The backend code is available here.