Find the desired car using scikit-learn
We cannot use classification in this project because the classifier generally separates distinct classes, and so this classifier expects a string or an integer type to distinguish different classes from each other (this is called the "target " Is known). You can read more about this in Introduction to Classifiers.
The problem we are trying to solve is to determine a continuous numerical output, Result. This is known as a regression problem, so we need to use a regression algorithm (such as DecisionTreeRegressor).
clf = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor()
clf =, y)
new_data = [[search_name, search_color_ex, search_color_in, search_person, m_input, y_input, a_input, o_input]]
answer = clf.predict(new_data)
Encoding the code means that it works with numbers in scikit-learn, and the strings must be converted into code, which will be done using the following library:
from sklearn import preprocessing
le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
df['NameCar_label'] = le.transform(Name_car)
To search for a value in the columns of the data set, we use the following code:
df_price = df[df['Price Car'] ==answer[i]]
search_price=df_price['Name Car'].tolist()
search_color_ex=df_price['Color Exterior'].tolist()
search_color_in = df_price['Color Interior'].tolist()
search_model=df_price['Model Car'].tolist()
search_person=df_price['Person Car'].tolist()
This code gives the number of answers requested:
for i in range(len(new_data_1)):
print(f'Car: {name[i]} ==> Price : {ans[i][0]}')
Link to the dataset I collected in Keggle: