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Viz-staging: vector data tiling for geospatial visualization

The pdgstaging package divides vector files into tiled vector files according to a specified OGC Two Dimensional Tile Matrix Set in preparation for processing into other formats in the Permafrost Discovery Gateway (PDG) workflow.

PDG staging summary


Cite this software as:

Robyn Thiessen-Bock, Juliet Cohen, Matt Jones, Kastan Day, Lauren Walker. 2023. Viz-staging: vector data tiling for geospatial visualization (version 0.9.2). Arctic Data Center. doi: 10.18739/A2Z60C395


Requires Python version 3.9 or 3.10 and libspatialindex or libspatialindex-dev

  1. Follow the instructions to install libspatialindex or libspatialindex-dev
  2. Make sure that Python version 3.9 or 3.10 is installed (try which python3.9).
  3. Install pdgstaging from GitHub repo using pip: pip install git+


  1. Create a config JSON file for the staging job, see the docs for details, help(pdgstaging.ConfigManager) for all configuration options, and pdgstaging.ConfigManager.defaults for default config values.

From the command line:

  • run: python -m pdgstaging -c '/path/to/config.json'

In python:

import pdgstaging
stager = pdgstaging.TileStager('/path/to/config.json')

# OR, to stage only one file

See more example code in PermafrostDiscoveryGateway/viz-info/helpful-code

Vector file staging for the PDG tiling pipeline

This repository contains code that prepares vector data (e.g. shapefiles, geopackages) for subsequent steps in the PDG tiling pipeline (such as viz-3dtiles and viz-raster). The staging step creates output vector files that conform to a specified OGC Two Dimensional Tile Matrix Set ("TMS"). Specifically, for each input file, the staging process:

  1. Simplifies polygons and re-projects them to the Coordinate Reference System ("CRS") used by the desired TMS.
  2. Assigns area, centroid, and other properties to each polygon.
  3. Identifies duplicate polygons in the tiles.
  4. Saves polygons to one file for each tile in the specified level of the TMS.

Polygons are assigned to a tile file if the polygon is within the tile or if it intersects with the bounding box of the tile (i.e. if it is at least partially within that tile). This means that polygons that fall within two or more tiles will be duplicated in the output. (This allows subsequent rasterization steps to measure the area of polygons that are only partially within the tile - otherwise some area is lost). The duplicated polygons are labeled as such so they can be removed during staging or a later step in the PDG visualization pipeline. The step at which these polygons are removed is determined by the configuration file.

However, polygon-tile relationships are also identified using the centroid of each polygon: The centroid_tile property assigned to polygons identifies the tile within which the polygon's centroid falls. (In the rare event that a polygon's centroid falls exactly on a tile boundary, the polygon will be added to the southern/eastern tile.)

The centroid_within_tile property is True when the polygon's centroid is within the same tile as the output file. To avoid using duplicated polygons in subsequent tiling steps (e.g. when generating 3D tiles), first filter out all polygons where centroid_within_tile is False.

The area and centroid of each polygon are calculated in the CRS of the TMS. When this is a geographic coordinate rather than a projected coordinate, the resulting values may vary slightly from the real values.

Polygon properties

After being run through this staging process, each polygon will be assigned the new properties that are listed below. The names of these properties are configurable, but the default names are used here.

  • staging_tile (string) - The tile that this polygon has been assigned to (matches the file). Indicated as a string in the format Tile(x=6, y=10, z=4).
  • staging_centroid_tile (string) - The tile within which the centroid of this polygon falls (may differ from file). Indicated as a string in the format Tile(x=6, y=10, z=4).
  • staging_area (number) - The area of the tile in the units of the CRS
  • staging_centroid_x, staging_centroid_y (number) - The x and y coordinate for the centroid of the tile (in the units of the CRS)
  • staging_filename (string) - The path to the file from which this polygon originated
  • staging_identifier (string) - A unique identifier for the polygon
  • staging_centroid_within_tile (boolean) - True when the centroid_tile property matches the tile, i.e. when the centroid of the polygon is within the same tile as the file it is saved in
  • staging_duplicated (boolean) - True when the polygon has been identified as a duplicate based on the deduplication method specified in the configuration

Summary fields

The staging process will also output a summary CSV file with one row for each tile created from each file. The fields in the CSV are:

  • filename: The path to the input vector file that was processed
  • num_polygons: The number of polygons from that file that are in given tile
  • area_polygons: The total area of the polygons from the file that are in the given tile
  • datetime: The time at which polygons from this file were saved to the output tile
  • tile_x, tile_y, tile_z: The x, y, and z indices for the tile
  • tile_top, tile_right, tile_bottom, tile_left: The coordinates (bounding box) for the tile
  • tms_identifier: The TMS that this tile belongs to


  • It is assumed that incoming vector data comprises only valid polygons. Any non-polygon data is removed, including multi-polygons, points, lines, or other geometries.
  • It's also assumed that each incoming vector file is staged only once. If a file passes through the staging step twice, then all polygons from that file will be duplicated in the output (but with a different identifier). This is due to the fact that when a tile file already exists, additional polygons that belong to this tile will be appended to the file.
  • The input data does not contain NaN values or infinite values, or if the data does contain one of these, then the value is known. Failing to specify this value in the configuration cause issues later in the visualization pipeline.
  • If the deduplication method specified in the configuration is footprints, the footprint file(s) are provided with a structure that follows the docs.
  • In order for logging to work properly, the node running the script that uses this package has a /tmp directory so the log.log file can populate there.


Build and test using poetry and pytest.

  • To build, run poetry build
  • To test, run pytest from the root of the package directory
  • VS Code configuration is setup to configure tests as well


Copyright [2013] [Regents of the University of California]

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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