This repo provides a single click installation script to Percona Products
Currently we support installing Percona Server for MySQL with or without Percona Xtrabackup and Percona XtraDB Cluster (boostrapped as single node) with or without Percona Xtrabackup. Syntax is as follow:
Usage: main [-h] [-v] [-m] [-i] [-b]
This tool is used to install Percona Server, Percona XtraDB Cluster and Percona XtraBackup.
Available options:
-h, --help Print this help and exit
-v, --verbose Print script debug info
-m [ps|pxc], --mode=[ps|pxc] Which database server the script will install. Default ps"
-i, --interactive Run the script interactively to prompt the user for configuration values (not implemented)
-b, --backup Install Percona XtraBackup package in addition to database server
curl -fsSL | \
bash -s -- --mode=ps
Starting 'Percona Release' Repo configuraiton
Success! 'Percona Release' Repo configured
Updating and installing software for Percona Server
Completed installation
Starting Percona Server services
Success!! Percona Server Installed!
To connect to your server, type:
mysql -u root
curl -fsSL | \
bash -s -- --mode=ps --backup
Request: install Percona XtraBakcup
Starting 'Percona Release' Repo configuraiton
Success! 'Percona Release' Repo configured
Starting installation of Percona XtraBackup
Completed installation of Percona XtraBackup
Updating and installing software for Percona Server
Completed installation
Starting Percona Server services
Success!! Percona Server Installed!
To connect to your server, type:
mysql -u root
curl -fsSL | \
bash -s -- --mode=pxc
Starting 'Percona Release' Repo configuraiton
Success! 'Percona Release' Repo configured
Updating and installing software for Percona XtraDB Cluster
Completed installation
Starting Percona XtraDB Cluster services
Success!! Percona XtraDB Cluster Installed!
To connect to your server, type:
mysql -u root
curl -fsSL | \
bash -s -- --mode=pxc --backup
Request: install Percona XtraBakcup
Starting 'Percona Release' Repo configuraiton
Success! 'Percona Release' Repo configured
Starting installation of Percona XtraBackup
Completed installation of Percona XtraBackup
Updating and installing software for Percona XtraDB Cluster
Completed installation
Starting Percona XtraDB Cluster services
Success!! Percona XtraDB Cluster Installed!
To connect to your server, type:
mysql -u root