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Conte EEG Tasks

prupert10 edited this page Jun 15, 2017 · 2 revisions


This wiki gives a brief description of the tasks run in Conte, how they are run, and where all the files are located.

Task Description

There are two tasks involved in the Conte EEG - Aversive conditioning and Operant conditioning. There are 2 orders (Order 1 and Order 2) in which the face associated with the sound changes. When running subjects, the order ran was alternated as subjects came in and completed the tasks.

Aversive Conditioning

The aversive conditioning contains two parts: AVC and RVC where RVC is the reversal paradigm in which the face with the aversive tone and the face without the aversive tone switch half way through. This is dissimilar to the MRI paradigm where AVC and RVC are reversals of each other.

Button box: Subjects were asked to press 1 if they thought there was going to be an aversive tone following and 2 if there was not going to be a sound. One thing to note about this - while they are pressing the 1 and 2 buttons, 1 shows up as 2 and 2 shows up as 1 on the EEG computer and therefore in the analysis.

On the EEG recording computer, markers appear as numbers to indicate whether the stimuli is aversive, neutral, or 50/50. The responses appear below the triggers to indicate that they have pressed and made a selection.

Operant Conditioning

Processed Files

Although AVC has been looked at (by AW), RVC, OPA, and OPB have all been initially processed both visually and with the pre-processing steps from the Resting State EEG Wiki page. These all live in /Electrophysiology/CONTE_DATA/Processed_Files/

Eye tracking

In addition to the EEG recordings, eye tracking data was also collected for the tasks. This data lives on the eye tracking computer downstairs and on Odin in /Electrophysiology/CONTE_DATA/eye_tracking/DATA/